
Memo 13: Interview Assignment Preparation

The goal of this assignment is to encourage you to take the first steps for completing the Interview Assignment. This assignment has several steps. (1) Look over the Interview Assignment – Part One; Part Two; and Part Three. Do you understand the assignment? Do have any questions? (If you have questions about the assignment, please reach out to me so I can answer them). (2) Decide on a research question that you will explore with your interview assignment. Remember, you should interview someone in the education sector and explore a dimension of their work experience. You can look back back through Memo 6 to get inspiration for research questions. Remember, your research question should be feasible (you know someone whom you can interview who can speak to the issue that you are studying) and your research question should have social significance (or shed light on an issue of concern or importance in the world). (3) Find someone to interview and schedule a time to conduct the interview with them. (Remember, the assignment is due in about month. I recommend completing the interview within the next two weeks to ensure you are allowing sufficient time for transcriiption, coding, and analytic memo writing. (4) In the submission box, write the following:
(a) My Research Question (phrase it as a question)
(b) The social significance of your question (just 2-3 sentences) (c) Who you plan to interview (you don’t have to tell me their name, just tell me who they are, E.g. A teacher at David Fairchild Elementary School)
(d) When you plan to conduct the interview (just the date is fine).
I will link part one, two and three as images Please were only working on Memo 13 just use others as reference


Exploring World Literature through Writing: A WebQuest for 10th Grade English Class

Create a WebQuest for a 10th grade World Literature English Class. You should provide both formative and summative assessments for ways to formally write. There should be summative writing activities demonstrating long term writing. Read the attached document for all specifications and requirements.


Instructions for Completing and Submitting Assignments on Blackboard

Instructions – PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
Late submission will NOT be accepted.
Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. All answers must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism.
Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


Enhancing Communication Skills Through Writing: A Chapter-by-Chapter Activity

For every chapter, you will create a writing activity that is submitted. Then you will record yourself describing it. Writing in the target language allows you to improve your communication skills. You will have the opportunity through this activity to formulate cohesive sentences and paragraphs. Each writing activity includes creating a one-page flyer/poster. You may use various technology applications of your choice that are available to you through Dallas College Online tools. Each writing activity will target the chapter vocabulary and grammar structures labeled, Estructura’s, in your Vtext.


Developing a Program-Level Logic Model Developing a Program-Level Logic Model for a Youth Mentorship Program Program Aim/Goal: The aim of the youth mentorship program is to provide at-risk youth with positive role models and resources to improve their

assignment model needed files attached
A completed program-level logic model outline (in table format) in which you consider inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes.
Elaborate on your program-level logic model in 1 to 2 paragraphs. Include:
The aim/goal of the program and proposed program activities
Outputs and outcomes
Reflection on how creating the logic model has helped you understand and envision the new program

Human Resource Management

Analyzing a Workplace Harassment Case Under Title VII

Answer Case Questions –
1. On what basis was the employee allegedly being harassed? What evidence supports his claim that the harassment was based on national origin and religion?
2. What is an employer’s obligation under Title VII to prevent workplace harassment based on race, color, sex, national origin, or religion? What had the employer done in this case to stop the harassment?
3. Do you agree with the district court’s decision? Explain why or why not.

Supply Chain Management

The Importance and Considerations of Strategic Supplier Alliances in Supply Chain Management

Please response back to the discussion listed below.
Strategic long-term supplier alliances are very important for successful supply chain management. Supplier selection is based on
1. Process and product technologies
2. Willingness to share technologies and information
3. Quality
4. Cost
5. Reliability
6. Order system and cycle time
7. Capacity
8. communication capability
9. Location
10. Service
Strategic suppliers are trusted partners and become an integral part of the firms design and production efforts (Wisner,Tan, Leong, 2019, p58,59).
So each company has to decide how many suppliers to use that may meet all this criteria or some of it. The options are sole sourcing, single sourcing, multi-sourcing and global sourcing.
Sole sourcing and single sourcing are sometimes used interchangeably. . One supplier is used as the only available source ((sole source) and single sourcing is when the company uses a single source among many options. A company must know the land of supply and how the partnership will be best for them. Single sourcing allows cooperation and is based on high levels of trust with reduced risk of opportunistic behavior on either side . The supplier must also commit to investing in new technologies to meet the buyers demand (https://procurement tactics.Com/multiple-souring/ )
The results of having a single supplier would be the good relationship, lower cost, consistent quality, transportation economies because of the volume, some supplies may be to small to split among multiple suppliers so they have a limited choice, and finally the supplier may be the sole supplier of certain products(patent).
Having a single supplier has disadvantages like difficulty maintaining that competitive edge, lack of the ability to negotiate, maintaining a good relationship can be tough, lack of a backup plan and having all your eggs in one basket puts a firm at the suppliers mercy. I would certainly think that any company would seek to have other options given supply issues that may arise. But if they do not have options they may warehouse excess stock in case of supply shortages. If possible, multiple sources are great for the following reasons: if needs exceed one supplier then multiple suppliers will help, also spreading the risk of supply interruption minimizes interruption, competition among suppliers can benefit companies, information is at a greater premium given the number of suppliers who are in the market, and business can be given to special suppliers voluntarily or as required by law. But there are difficulties with multi sourcing like difficulty maintaining good supplier relationships, less control over supplier operations with your firm, and maybe an increase in your overhead costs.
Companies can also use global sourcing because of cheaper products and a skilled lower cost workforce in other countries. The use of global sourcing can increase a companies competitive advantage but language barriers, local tariff and tax, political instability, and shipping costs can make this sourcing unattractive to some firms. Overall, firms have choices and through trial and error they develop a supply chain management program that is unique to their needs. References:
Wisner, J., Tan, K., & Leong, G. (2017). Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach (5th ed.). Cengage Learning Pros & Cons of Global Sourcing
New-age business firms seek assistance for their global sourcing needs from sourcing agencies. To meet your international sourcing requirements hire professionals from Dragon Sourcing today.
Dragon Sourcing | Global Sourcing Company
Multiple Sourcing — The Ultimate Guide of 2024
Unlike traditional sourcing which deals with a single vendor, multi-sourcing makes use of numerous different vendors.
Marijn Overvest
Procurement Tactics


Evaluating the Best Test for Criminal Culpability: The Willingness to Impose Risks on Others

Learning Goal: I’m working on a law writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
The best test for criminal culpability is a willingness to impose risks on others.’ Do you agree?


Effective Strategies for Academic Success

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
Late submission will NOT be accepted.
Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted. Support your answers with
course material concepts from the textbook and scholarly, peer-reviewed journal
articles etc. Need references and use APA style for writing the references.


Enhancing Your Extended Summary: A Cover Letter for an Audience of Biologists

Cover letter instructions:
Here you will prepare a one (1) page cover letter related to the main writing assignment in this course: the Extended Summary.
Cover letter format:
Your cover letter must contain four (4) paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: An explanation of the changes you made to the original document you submitted, summarizing the changes you indicated in the feedback reflection exercise and also the changes you are making now based on the feedback you received from your peers AND/OR from what you learned by reviewing your peers’ work (good things they did that you want to replicate; mistakes they made that you want to avoid). Paragraph 2: Thinking About Audience and Genre
Your audience for this writing assignment are fellow biologist. How will you adapt your prose style and your content to this specific audience?
What is the genre in which you are being asked to write? Do you understand the conventions of this genre? If you do not, how do you go about finding out more about this genre and your professor’s or the discipline’s expectations?
Paragraph 3: Applying a Professional Attitude to Your Writing
How would you describe your persona (or ethos) that you will present in your writing? How will you sound confident to this audience and/or in this genre? How will you seem an authority on the subject? In what ways can your persona reflect the discipline’s expectations? (For example, in academic writing you show confidence and increase credibility when you provide legitimate sources for your facts and you clearly explain the studies that produced those facts.)
How did your attention to research (if required), revision, and editing ensure that you seem careful and professional?
Paragraph 4: Making Time for Feedback, Revision, and Self-Editing
Often unsuccessful or ineffective writing is the result of the writer neglecting revision and editing. Effective writing can take some time. For example, have you practiced drafting smaller pieces of a larger writing project? Have you made brainstorming notes or an outline to help gather your thoughts and ideas? Have you received feedback on your writing from outside readers? Have you looked at examples or models to help you understand this particular genre?
In what ways might you use the self-editing procedures that you learned about or will learn about in the previous module? Have you asked a peer or family member to read your draft to give you some feedback? Did you set the paper aside and then go back to reread it with fresh eyes? Did you practice reading your writing aloud? Did you apply feedback you have received on a previous writing project to this one?