critical thinking and reasoning

Title: The Environmental Impact of Electric Cars vs Gas-Powered Vehicles: A Critical Analysis

Topic :Buying a new electric car is worse for the environment than purchasing a used gas-powered vehicle. Within the context of this assignment, you should work to formulate or identify either a deductive or inductive argument that has to do with your chosen topic.
Instructions: Outline this essay in 350 words the work needs to outline the concepts and/or methods of analysis you believe are relevant approaches to analyzing the topic of choice. Within the context of this assignment, you should work to formulate or identify either a deductive or inductive argument that has to do with your chosen topic.
For this option, you should also expect to include the prospective citations you will use; there should be a minimum of three (3) citations. you will need to conduct a critical assessment of a belief, theory, or view you currently hold (or one of the alternative subjects) using an appropriate number and relevant set of critical thinking/reasoning concepts.  Since you will need to incorporate an argument, your analysis should inform the reader (and yourself) on whether you should believe the claim of concern is in fact true or false, valid or invalid, strong or weak, and why you came to that conclusion.