Physical fitness

“Analyzing the Claims of a Fitness & Nutrition Advertisement: A Critical Consumer Perspective”

Purpose of the Assignment: to evaluate an electronic advertisement in a way that the student becomes a more critical consumer. The advertisement will be evaluated by comparing the claims made in the ad to scientific evidence and research findings.
Ad Selection: For Nutrition, your instructor will provide two options, along with their URLs in the
Assignment itself on Canvas. You will choose which one you want to research for this paper. For
Fitness, you will also be provided the URL of the fitness ad on Canvas. You also have the option of selecting your own fitness ad on the condition of having it approved by your instructor by providing the URL along with your request. If you opt to do this, make sure to pick an advertisement that has some substance to it, the less the ad says, the harder it is to critique. Original advertisements should not come from library sources or magazines.
Assignment Format:
Page 1: Title page with the product name/advertisement
Pages 2 to 4 (or 5): Consumer Product Analysis
This section contains your analysis of both the ad itself and the product advertised. Evaluating the ad itself is very important, however the primary purpose of this paper is evaluating the product and whether there is research to support its’ claims. The paper should be 3-4 pages. You should comment on the positive aspects (praise) and the negative aspects (criticism) of the ad. Your analysis should be in paragraph form, and critical comments should be well developed and substantiated (cited) by the research studies you use for this assignment. When discussing scientific articles to analyze the product, do NOT use direct quotes or copied material from the scientific articles. Instead, paraphrase the information in your own words and cite appropriately in APA format. In the text of your paper, the author & year of the scientific source should be indicated. When more than two authors are cited, “et al.,” may be used as per APA format (however, remember to include all names on
Reference Page.)