AI Practices in Business

Title: Exploring Lesser-Known Terms in AI: Fuzzy Logic The term I have chosen is “fuzzy logic.” According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, fuzzy logic is a type of mathematical logic that allows for reasoning with im

Various terms are used to describe AI and its application to our work and home life. Examples of such terms are: “expert systems;” “knowledge engineering;” machine learning.” 
As part of studying the history of AI, your fun task this week is to find a term such as the above terms, do a little research about it, and describe what that terms means in the field of AI.
But, do NOT use these 3 terms listed above.
In your initial post:
State the term you found and a URL to a research source about it; define it, and explain how it is AI – or relates to AI;
Describe the specific type of business operation for which this AI has (or could have) an application and how it contributes (or could contribute) to that operation. (This is part of your researching the term.)
NOTE:  The AI term you select can be a historical term that has fallen out of use due to advancements, so long as you clearly describe and explain its context and past practice, why it is not in use now, etc. It must clearly be an AI, however. Be sure to explain clearly.

AI Practices in Business

Title: The Use of AI in Business: A Case Study of Google and the Potential for Corruption

In a well drafted narrative, answer the following questions for Part 1:
Identify a specific business that uses AI or AIRs. (One specific company by name, not just a type of business.)
Explain why you chose this company. 
Identify three major issues caused by use of AI or AIRs  (AI assisted Robot) in business.
How are these three issues unique to your specific business?
In your analysis describe at least three examples illustrating these issues.
Define corruption of AI. (See Kobis, et al. reference reading that is attached). Could any one or more of the three issues you have identified pose a risk or opportunity for corrupting business applications? How?
Prepare your paper following APA format with headings to organize your answers to these questions. This is a draft you will further prepare and finalize as part of your Week 7 Course Project. 
Your research sources must support your narrative as in text citations with full APA citations in your references list. Use relevant course Learning Materials including sources provided below, and your own research.

AI Practices in Business

Title: AI Tools for Brand Creation: A Comparison for a New Business Venture

Imagine you are an entrepreneur organizing a new business venture. It can be anything, any industry. Be as creative as you like.  You need  the following for establishing your “brand:”
Go to
Search for free AI tools to help you create ONE of the following for this new business, your choice; there are multiple free AI tools for each. (Click these links for explanation of what is logo and slogan.)
Slogan (any type of slogan)
When you have decided what to go for — logo or slogan — find at least 2 AI tools to create it on Futurepedia. Using one of the AI tools, create your item, then try the second tool to create it again. Compare and contrast the two!  Which one do you like better? Are they the same? Different in any way? How do they work? How do the results differ?
NOTE: You MUST select and use the AI tools, not just make up your own logo or slogan without AI assistance. The purpose of this Discussion is to play with the AI tools, compare them, share them, and discuss them.
In your initial post:
Describe briefly your imaginary business (sentence or 2) so that we have context.
Identify the two AI tools you selected from Futurepedia, with links to their sites.
Post the slogan or logo you created (image attachment for logo) with each AI application.
Explain how the AI tools assisted in the creation of your slogan or logo; what were the steps or process?
Share your opinion of the usefulness of the tools, ease of use, and which one you like better to assist your creation. How does the tool assist your business?

AI Practices in Business

Title: Exploring AI Terminology: Neural Networks Term: Neural Networks Research source: Definition: Neural networks, also known as artificial neural networks (ANN

Various terms are used to describe AI and its application to our work and home life. Examples of such terms are: “expert systems;” “knowledge engineering;” machine learning.” 
As part of studying the history of AI, your fun task this week is to find a term such as the above terms, do a little research about it, and describe what that terms means in the field of AI.
But, do not use these 3 terms listed above.  
In your initial post:
State the term you found and a URL to a research source about it; define it, and explain how it is AI – or relates to AI;
Describe the specific type of business operation for which this AI has (or could have) an application and how it contributes (or could contribute) to that operation. (This is part of your researching the term.)
NOTE:  The AI term you select can be a historical term that has fallen out of use due to advancements, so long as you clearly describe and explain its context and past practice, why it is not in use now, etc. It must clearly be an AI, however. Be sure to explain clearly.