Principles and Techniques of Counseling

Annotated Bibliography for Project Three: Exploring the Relationship between Popular Culture and Social Issues Student Name Professor Name English 101 Date Title: “The Impact of Social Media on Body Image and Self-Esteem” 1

Using MLA format, compose an annotated bibliography of five sources that you will use for your Project Three Prompt: Research Essay.  At least three of these must be acceptable academic sources you can find using the GSU Library. 
The best databases for you to use within the Library’s Research Databases include JStor and Academic Search Complete. Please see the information on Using the GSU Libraries (General Information).
Do not forget to check GSU’s Library Catalog (aka “GIL Find”). GSU has a lot of great books on its various campuses, and many of them are also available online in electronic format.
For each of these five sources, you will provide a four- to five-sentence summary (annotation) of the work as described in the file on annotated bibliographies.
Then, you must provide a short response to the source, indicating what you think about the source and how you might use it in your paper.
In summary, each of your bibliographic entries should include:
an MLA-correct citation
a summary/annotation
a short response.
Other requirements:
A heading for the document (including your name, my name, course title, and date)
A title
12 pt., Times New Roman font
1″ margins on all sides  

Georgia State University Library

Be sure to select a specific kind of popular culture. Huge genres such as “rap music” or “hip hop” are simply too large for this project. 
Your object will be to explore the relationship between your chosen piece of popular culture and some social issue such as age, race, gender, class, religion, immigration, etc.