Digital science

“Protecting Students from Online Scams: Strategies for Promoting Online Safety and Mitigating Risks”

You are a digital
educator working with a local high school
and there has been a concerning
incident involving several students who fell victim to an online phishing scam. Explain strategies for promoting online safety and mitigating risks such as phishing scams.

Digital science

Title: “Exploring the Effects of Social Media on Mental Health: A Report and Presentation”

For your final project, you are to create a Google Slide presentation on the report you wrote in Module 4, 
I have attached a paper below, in which i need to make a google slide presentation based on this report. 

Digital science

“Data Analysis and Visualization using Power BI: A Case Study”

all the instructions are in assignement brief. this report includes power BI snips (I attached them in a word document).

Digital science

“Exploring a Topic Through Lateral Thinking and Qualitative Research: A Nuanced and Metacognitive Essay”

The short version: Pick a topic. Approach it from a variety of angles. Demonstrate critical thinking throughout. Qualitative over quantitative information is prioritized. The overlong version: The final assignment for EN 100 is an open-ended, exploratory essay in which you attempt tO incorporate Some of the key concepts from class. The essay should be nuanced and metacognitive. It should demonstrate some thoughtful creativity and an awareness of audience reaction. Most importantly, it should demonstrate going past the surface of a concept and exploring it deeply and thoughtfully Lateral thinking will be required to come up with a variety of interesting sources that will deepen your conversation. Two new vocabulary concepts for this unit are Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research Quantitative Research, you should already be familiar with. It’s the stats, figures, graphs and numbers research. “Hard data'” that has the feel of being concrete and fact oriented. (However, as we discussed last unit, graphs and stats can be deeply manipulative and, of course, flat wrong.)
Qualitative Research is more open ended, abstract and interpretive. Interviews, first-hand accounts, opinion surveys, etc. would all qualify as qualitative. Movies, TV shows, Mangas, religious texts and social media would all be qualitative data as well, and therefore can be used in this essay if you evaluate and justify your source.
A quantitative research question would be “How many points did each team score?” A qualitative question is “Why did the team lose so badly?”
Strive to find a topic that you feel passionate about and that you would legitimately like to learn more about. won’t feel like a research paper if you’ re actually compelled by the subject matter you’re exploring.
Requirements: -Shoot for 4-6 outside sources that you explore in-depth. (Almost anything can be a source as long as you evaluate and justify the source in the essay itself.) Personal interviews encouraged -Title -Thesis in bold face type -Several quotes from your sources in which you clearly state where the source came from -3-6 pages in length -Some manner of sources cited page or bibliography (not counted as total number of pages -The only requirement for the heading is to include a “first person tone declaration.” First person tone declaration: Since you can write about basically anything, your tone may vary wildly, but since the paper is required to be in first person, put some thought into the emotional feel of the piece and declare it at the outset. This will go in the upper most left corner of your first page. If you are writing a serious paper about suicide and drug addiction in creative people. you might declare your tone as, cfirst-person reflective and downbeat.” If you’re writing a scorched earth essay about how men are genetically programmed to cheat, you might declare “first person hostile, jaded and furious. If you re writing light essay about how Hipsters are destroying popular music. you might declare cfirst person satirical and sarcastic. It’s totally up to you as long as the tone is consistent through the essay.

Digital science

Network Forensics Analysis of an Airport Third-Party VPN Connection Compromise Task 3: Analyzing Network Traffic In this task, we will analyze the network traffic captured from the compromised airport third-party VPN connection. The network traffic was captured

I have a HW on Introduction to network forensics Analysis of an airport third-party VPN connection compromise, we must download the VM using this link… or…if it didn’t work this one . these are the handbooks……each task has questions, I have already done task 1,2 and half of three. I need someone to do the rest of Task 3 and Task 4. I will also attach the draft of my report to show you how I would like it. I need a few sentences describing/explainging with screenshots of the answers

Digital science

“Addressing the Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence: A Call for Responsible Development and Regulation” Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our society, with its applications ranging from virtual assistants to self-driving cars. While

I have to write a position paper with a thesis statement and write out arguments in favor of my thesis statement as well as counterarguments and rebuttals to those counterarguments to strengthen my thesis statement. The paper needs to be written in latex (format: double columns with abstract, introduction, body/discussion of the arguments, counterarguments and rebuttals and conclusion). I have provided the rubric to follow and description of what needs to be written down in the position paper. I have attached the slides with the description of the position papers and the draft that I have written and that needs to be rewritten, hopefully that will give context. My phone number is +31643271132 and email is elenaibi(at-sign) for online calls to discuss this further. Every argument, counter argument needs to be backed with relevant literature, I will provide the feedback that the position paper I wrote received so that you can implement it and rewrite it. No strict number on references, as many as they are needed. 

Digital science

“The Effect of Environmental Factors on Clothes Drying Time: An Observation-Based Hypothesis” Hypothesis: Clothes that are hung outside the house will dry faster than clothes that are hung inside the house due to the increased exposure to sunlight and wind

Aziema Observed that clothes that were hung outside the house driied faster than the clothes that were hung inside the house.Construct a hypothesis 

Digital science

“bell hooks’ Critique of Beyoncé: Exploring Gender Representation in Pop Culture” “Examining bell hooks’ Critique of Beyoncé: Understanding the Value of Criticism”

Make sure to include page numbers when citing material and use the correct format for 
citing the evidence to back up the prompt and what I’m writing about. Make sure to include only evidence from the links given and the file provided. 
Assignment—What is your reaction to hook’s critique of Beyoncé? What is her point of view? Do you agree with her? Partially?
I have scanned most of a chapter on the representation of gender in popular culture and posted it for you here on canvas. It begins by presenting a critique of Beyonce by the renowned black feminist scholar, bel hooks. (That’s how you spell her name, lower case an all. Please do this when writing her name). Pages 103-107
The file is listed under the “files” tab. The file is called “Gender and Pop Culture”
bell hooks does not quite support Beyoncé. Though this is complicated because there are many aspects of Beyoncé that hooks does appreciate, such as how Beyoncé controls Beyoncé’s career.
Here is the last paragraph, her take on Beyoncé’s Lemonade
“It is only as black women and all women resist patriarchal romanticization of domination in relationships can a healthy self-love emerge that allows every black female, and all females, to refuse to be a victim. Ultimately Lemonade glamorizes a world of gendered cultural paradox and contradiction. It does not resolve. As Beyoncé proudly proclaims in the powerful anthem “Freedom”
“I ad my ups and downs, but I always find the inner-strength to pull myself up.” To truly be free, we must choose beyond simply surviving adversity, we must dare to create lives of sustained optimal well-being and joy. In that world, the making and drinking of lemonade will be a fresh and zestful delight, a real life mixture of the bitter and the sweet, and not a measure of our capacity to endure pain, but rather a celebration of our moving beyond pain.”
or quoted in the readings:
“I see a part of Beyoncé that is in fact anti-feminist—that is a terrorist, especially in terms of the impact on young girls” (Coker 2014). Hooks sees visual media and corporate-controlled culture as a major arm of the assault on black women’s bodies. To hooks, the objectified and seemingly commodified body of Beyoncé tells young black women that their bodies are reducible to the pleasure that they bring to men, and that their sexuality is their primary source of value.
Musicologist Kai Arne Hansen has investigated the question of Beyoncé’s relationship to feminism vis-à-vis her use of her own sexualized body in her music videos. He introduces the concept of hyperembodiment to discuss the ways that digital manipulation of both the visual image of the body and the sonic quality of the voice play up the power of the sexualized body as a tool for conveying meanings about gender and sexuality.
Do the images of Beyoncé’s objectified body dehumanize her? Do they create the space for an inevitability of violence? Does it matter that Beyoncé, unlike some other women in music, is very much in the driver’s seat of her career? Beyoncé does identify herself as a feminist. In 2014, in an essay titled “Gender Equality is a Myth,” she called out those who think that women have already made sufficient progress and who believe that equality has been achieved.
That phrase about violence being made sexy and eroticized is key here. Hooks is especially concerned about the powerful role of digitally cut images that powerfully feed us messages about our identities and value, and about the best methods of empowerment and change. According to hooks, we cannot trust this kind of visual politics.
And here is a link to the video hooks and Kidd talk about: (Beyoncé’s “Hold Up”)
Remember the point about pop culture making us feel as if we are not good enough? How many women (albeit perhaps subconsciously) feel discouraged because they cannot achieve the sort of body that Beyoncé has?
Another important point about hooks’ perspective: This is an intellectual critique, not a competition or battle. Hook’s perspective is just that, a perspective. It is one way to look at Beyoncé, not the only way. Nor is it intended as a personal attack on Beyoncé.
“(Important–) in examining Beyoncé’s feminism and hooks’s critique, the goal need not be to choose a winner in the debate, but rather to understand the value of criticism itself. In everyday parlance, criticism refers to the stating of negative opinions. But in sociology and other forms scholarship, criticism is the act of interpreting the meaning(s) of a cultural object, including meanings that may not have been intended by the artist, and the placement of that object in social and cultural contexts. Rather than demanding we look away from Lemonade, hooks offers us a new lens through which to watch it. “
NOTE—”The bel hooks institute”, which kept hooks’ original critique online, has been taken offline.
These are links to journalism articles discussing this
Beyoncé’s Lemonade is capitalist money-making at its best | Beyoncé | The Guardian
bell hooks vs. Beyoncé: What this feminist scholarly critique gets wrong about “Lemonade” and liberation | Salon.comLinks to an external site.
Beyonce, bell hooks & The Audacity of Lemonade —
These are not long and you should read them
What is long is
Are You Still a Slave? on Livestream 

This is an hour-plus long video of hooks and other feminist scholars discussing the presentation of bodies of women of color. Its interesting and some of you may be motivated to watch the whole thing, but I do not require that you do
Assignment—What is your reaction to hook’s critique of Beyoncé? What is her point of view? Do you agree with her? Partially?
Note—THIS IS AN INTELLECTUAL EXERCISE! To refer to hooks as some variation of a “hater” will result in a negative grade.
Also–HER NAME IS “bell hooks”. thats how you spell it. thats how you capitalize it. You are not adding ANYTHING to your answer or writing if you decided to find out her birth name and use it as if it means something. HER NAME IS “bell hooks”. PERIOD.