Sports psychology

“Exploring the Impact of Technology on Modern Education: A Comprehensive Literature Review”

I have attached assignment details. I’m not sure the page length but i know we need at least fifteen sources! so i just said 15 pages. we also have to include the front pages of each article 

Sports psychology

The Impact of Psychological Techniques and Orientations on Sports Performance: A Comprehensive Analysis Introduction Sports performance is a complex phenomenon that involves physical, mental, and emotional aspects. While physical training and skill development are crucial for success in sports, the psychological

Prompt: Write a paper examining how psychological techniques and orientations can impact sports performance. More specifically, look at these impacts from a psychophysiological, social-psychological, and cognitive-behavioral orientation to sport psychology. Then analyze the impact of these psychological orientations on sports performance. For example, the psychophysiological orientation may be more focused on the effect of psychology on the physiology of the brain – what does the research say about brain physiology and its effect on performance? In your research/review of the literature, please analyze how these specific orientations view/impact sports performance and be sure to make conclusions on how effective these approaches are. Does each individual orientation correlate with improved performance? How or how not? (Max of 3 pages can be dedicated to the comparison of each orientation). In your opinion (after reviewing the literature) conclude with which orientation may be the best lens to appropriately view psychology’s effect on sports performance through. * There is no right answer – I want to see how you view the support by researchers and what most connects with you and your own personal context/experiences. *
Length: 8-10 pages (double-spaced, normal margins, Calibri 12 pt font, not including cover page/reference list)
Sources: minimum of 10 sources (at least 6 MUST be peer-reviewed)
Formatting: APA (this includes body, in-text citations, and reference list)