Large-Scale Data Management

“Designing a Data Strategy for a Large-Scale Organization: A Comprehensive Approach” “Designing for Success: Utilizing External Sources to Enhance Large-Scale Designs”

Review: Early Individual Large-Scale Design Assessment (Prior Assignment):
For this assignment each student will use their current knowledge as a computer scientist to produce a draft data strategy for one of the given scenarios. There is no difference in the requirements for undergrad and graduate students for this assignment. Use your prior knowledge from your degree program and chapter one of the textbook to complete this assignment.
Pick one of these scenarios to focus on for this assignment:
You are starting a new social media site.
You are a company that is buying all US banks and combining them into a single corporation.
You are redesigning the IRS information system to make it more efficient.
You are building a system to manage all Texas healthcare records.
1) Select one of the above scenarios.
2) Write response to the given prompts. Use your prior knowledge, the Internet, and your textbook. Use the bullet point lists on pages 20-21 (Defining a Data Strategy) as guidance.
What is your company/organization? Describe it.
What data is stored, will be stored, or needs to be stored and why? Be detailed.
What are some high-level factors that need particular attention in your specific scenario (i.e. security, flexibility, governance, etc.)? Why did you select these?
Who in the organization is responsible for developing and managing the organization? 
What types of barriers will the organization face in designing and implementing the data strategy?
What type of talent will be required to implement the data strategy?
3) Submit your responses to these prompts in a word document (docx) in Canvas by the due date. 
Be creative.
Apply prior knowledge.
Think through the organizational and systems issues rather than just technical issues.
Research similar types of organizations or the current organization if applicable.
Focus your work on getting a strong understanding of your business/organization.
You are not expected to have perfect answers. The purpose of this exercise is to explore a scenario, start identifying key issues you will have to contend with, and get those written down for the term-long design assessment.
Final Individual Large-Scale Design Assessment (This Assignment):
Now that you are near the end of the course, you will apply the entire textbook content to the problem you selected from the early individual large-scale design assessment assignment (see above).
This assignment will follow student APA format and formatting guidelines from the syllabus. Size 12 font, Times New Roman, double spacing, 1″ margins, no before/after spacing.
Write a large-scale data design recommendation for your selected scenario.
Early Individual Large-Scale Design Assessment (Prior Assignment):
Passing Score (70%):
At a minimum a paper that receives a passing grade will have a one-page introduction, one-page conclusion, and one 1/2 (UPDATE 4/1/24) page per chapter discussing how each chapter’s content can be applied to a design for the selected scenario. The paper will be well-written and organized. The paper will be free of grammatical and spelling errors.
Average Score (70-80%):
The paper will have a one-page introduction, one-page conclusion, and one  1/2 (UPDATE 4/1/24) page per chapter discussing how each chapter’s content can be applied to a design for the selected scenario. The paper will be well-written and organized. The paper will be free of grammatical and spelling errors. The paper will demonstrate keen insight and make practical, real-world recommendations.
Above Average Score (80-90%):
The paper will have more than a one-page introduction, one-page conclusion, and more than one 1/2 (UPDATE 4/1/24) page per chapter discussing how each chapter’s content can be applied to a design for the selected scenario. The paper will be well-written and organized. The paper will be free of grammatical and spelling errors. The paper will demonstrate advanced insights and make practical, real-world recommendations. The paper will use external sources in addition to the textbook.
Outstanding Score (90%-100%):
The paper will have more than a one-page introduction, one-page conclusion, and more than one 1/2 (UPDATE 4/1/24) page per chapter discussing how each chapter’s content can be applied to a design for the selected scenario. The paper will be excellently written and organized. The paper will be free of grammatical and spelling errors. The paper will demonstrate advanced insights and make many practical, real-world recommendations. The paper will use external sources in addition to the textbook. The external sources will be of multiple types and consist of adequate theoretical, scientific, and industry publications. The paper will contain appropriately formatted graphs, charts, and tables along with diagrams that depict relevant statistics, plans, topologies, policies, and/or relevant technical data. (UPDATE 4/1/24) The paper will contain at least five formatted graphs, charts, diagrams, or tables that present relevant statistics, plans, topologies, policies, and/or relevant technical data.
I already wrote the Early Individual Large-Scale Design Assessment (please see the attached file)
So, you will help me write the Final Large-Scale Design Assessment. Please try at the score above 85%. I would be appreciated if you can do at the 90%-100% score. Dont forget the introduction and conclusion pages. Thank you
I included the text-book that I used. Make sure put the title of each chapter. Thank you