Applied practice

Title: Exploring Career Opportunities in Public Health: A Personal Reflection and Analysis

Research part 1
Investigate the many opportunities within the field of public health. Start with websites such as,, and the CDC. Keep going though – there are so many others! This is just the start of your search. Learn about a minimum of five interesting career options for public health professionals. Global, national, state, and local options should be considered. List and describe each one. Then, list the skills and education typically required of that career (these career searches, descriptions, and the reference list of sources. I have done part one
This assignment is part two of the Career Research Project. To successfully complete this assignment, you must:
Choose the career on the list you created that feels the most interesting to you.
Investigate graduate programs that focus on this career and other jobs in the NY Metro area that would fit this career.
Develop more comprehensive description of what this type of job does on a day-to-day basis.
Create a job description for a job like what you have described. 
Find someone who is currently doing the type of job you identified in part two. Find them via sites in which they work (NYCDOHMH, Nassau PH, hospital systems, the CDC, nonprofits), or LinkedIn.
Reach out and ask if they have time for an informational interview so that you can learn more about this career from someone in the field.
Make contact no later than April 1 with at least two potential interview candidates (and cc me on the email).
Interview the candidates and write up a summary of your findings. Be sure to ask questions about them including:
Their educational attainment.
Years of experience in the field
Internships they completed.
Professional development opportunities they have completed.
Their likes and dislikes about the position
2nd paper
To successfully complete this assignment, student should 
Compose a 5–7-page paper in APA format (title page, Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double space, 1-inch margins) that does the following:
Describe in detail the organization (its mission, focus, clients, structure).
Detail your major projects and activities (include your global contribution to the organization). Give specific examples.
Describe the degree of responsibility you had, giving specific examples.
Imagine that you were the manager of the organization. Using specific examples from public health coursework, what changes or additions would you make to the operation of the organization, to improve population health
Use key public health concepts, terms and knowledge derived from your
previous coursework.
Detail how the experience has influenced your future career (or graduate school) plans. Consider reviewing your reflection journals to help you write the paper.