
“Discovering Mindfulness and Self-Connection Through Yoga: My Journey in a Yoga Course”

For this paper, I would like you to write a full one page, 1.5 spaced paper on what you have learned about yoga that you did not know before taking this course. Please share what you like, what you don’t, and if the course has changed any of your views about yoga. Sources are not required but if you quote a source, please cite the source in your paper.
please try to sound like me, i’m passionate but a lazy writer i don’t use big words.
talk about how yoga taught me mindfulness
taught me to be one with my body
talk about how tai chi is something i learned during the class and sun salutations the course has changed my views on yoga and i will configure to use it in my everyday life nothing sophisticated. super easy quick


Title: Exploring the World of Yoga: A Comprehensive Analysis of Types, History, and Personal Experiences

PE 270A Beginning Yoga Research paper Topic selection 
Write a 3-page paper about one of the following topics 
a) The different types of yoga 
b) Historical view of yoga 
c) One specific type of yoga 
d) What yoga is and what yoga has done for you 


“Showcasing Absorption: A Culminating Research Project”

This final project is intended to have the student showcase their absorption of the
content taught in this course. Students will not submit this until finals’ week of class.
This final project is meant to be a demonstration of the student’s semester long deep
dive. These are to be carried out individually. Assignment Drop box will be revealed
beginning last week of class. Papers are to be extensive research projects– culminating
in a 6-8 page document.