Introduction to healthcare

“Ensuring Patient Privacy: Strategies for Healthcare Managers” Introduction: Patient privacy is a critical aspect of healthcare management that must be valued and preserved by all employees. It refers to the protection of sensitive and confidential information about a patient, including their

As a health care manager, it is critical that your employees value and preserve the privacy of patient information. What measures would you put in place to encourage and monitor this? First, you need to provide a solid introduction and background explaining what patient privacy is and any applicable laws and regulations. Then, you will answer the questions posed as your main points, expand on those with examples and recommendations. Then, provide a conclusion that ties it all together and summarizes the main points.
Your assignment needs to be in an essay format, at least two pages in length, typed, double spaced, 12 font, with a heading, introduction, body, conclusion and references. Please make sure that your assignments are formatted properly, that is, each paragraph should have 4-6 sentences. Multiple submissions are allowed. Also, please make sure that the attachments are properly loaded, the work submitted via the Written Submission button or Comments text box will not be accepted.
book- Buchbinder, Sharon  B, and Nancy  H Shanks. Introduction to Healthcare Management. 3rd ed., Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2017.