
“Empowering Survivors: A Crisis Center Internship in Rape Response and Prevention”

I will be doing my internship at the Crisis Center in Birmingham, Alabama doing Rape Response with clients who have been raped/assault in jail or in the general public. We will do an exam, counseling, and rape kit on clients. Crisis Intervention and prevention on Crisis & Suicide Line with providing counseling and assisting to deciding the best option for that situation.                     


“E-Commerce Council: A Comprehensive Report on Training and Experience”

Hello, I want you to work on the last report, including all the attachments and requirements that are in the file. Please note that my name is Raneem Zaid Saud Al-Othman, my university number is s190164445, and the organization I am training with is called (E-Commerce Council), and all three reports that I worked on have been attached, I would like to complete the report completely, including a presentation of the last report. I want only 7 slides, and it briefly explains what I did in the training.
And it must be (3000-4000) words (The final report not the presentation!)
The attachment file
1-the report guidelines (use it to be more specific and accurate)
2- the cover page (for the report)
3- the blue cover page for the presentation (The three reports for the tasks)
My information Name:Raneem said saud alothman
Crn: 23959
Trainee Supervisor Name: Amal AL-Quraisi
Faculty Member:Lama Khoshi
The website for the organization and social media:
If u needed any other information just tell me so I could provide it to you
Please this is so important to me and at have all the final grades be specific anf careful
for now the website dosent work so you will have to fo some research about (E-Commerce Counci in Al Ryadh)


“Transformative Experiences at the 68th CSW: Reflections on Widows’ Rights and Gender Equality” “Carrying the Torch of Empowerment: Reflecting on CSW68 and My Commitment to Advocacy”

i need this prompt completed, talk about the 68th CSW internship experience and about the information on widows rights use this report as well to implement into the essay Attending the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) has been an incredibly transformative experience, leaving an indelible mark on both my personal and academic journey. As a young student passionate about gender equality and social justice, the opportunity to participate in such a prestigious event was nothing short of exhilarating.
Throughout the conference, I immersed myself in a myriad of events and discussions, each offering unique perspectives and insights into the complexities of gender inequality and women’s empowerment. One particularly enlightening event was the NAWO financial provision session, where experts delved into the crucial role of sustainable social protections in fostering women’s economic independence. As I listened intently to the panelists’ impassioned discussions, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of empowerment, knowing that financial literacy and access to resources are instrumental in breaking down barriers for women worldwide.
Another highlight was the ADVANCE European business building the future event, where entrepreneurs and policymakers explored innovative strategies to bolster women’s participation in the European business landscape. As I engaged in lively conversations with fellow attendees, I was struck by the collective determination to challenge traditional norms and create more inclusive opportunities for women in the corporate world.
One event that particularly resonated with me was the Widows for Peace Through Democracy gathering. Listening to the poignant stories of widows from diverse backgrounds illuminated the myriad challenges they face, from legal discrimination to social stigma. However, amidst the adversity, their resilience and unwavering determination to advocate for change were truly inspiring. I found myself deeply moved by their stories, reaffirming my commitment to advocating for the rights of marginalized communities.
Following the conference, I had the opportunity to intern with Widows for Peace Through Democracy following the conference. This experience provided invaluable insights into the plight of widows and the challenges they encounter in accessing resources and support. During my internship, I was struck by the lack of comprehensive data on widows and their situations, underscoring the urgent need for more research and advocacy in this area. I delved deep into researching the organization’s mission and initiatives. I meticulously took notes and had the privilege of attending meetings on behalf of the organization, gaining first hand insight into their advocacy efforts. BEing able to speak on a panel with WPD’s founder, Margaret Owen, was a pleasure, and her dedication to advancing the rights of widows left a lasting impression on me.
Yet, amidst the plethora of enriching experiences, one event stood out for its contentious nature: the UK Parliamentarians and youth round table. As discussions unfolded around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, differing viewpoints emerged, sparking heated debates among participants. As a staunch advocate for human rights, I found myself grappling with conflicting perspectives on the conflict. While some parliamentarians echoed my concerns about human rights violations, others offered alternative viewpoints, highlighting the complexities of geopolitical tensions.
Reflecting on my time at CSW68, I am struck by the profound impact it has had on my worldview and personal growth. Engaging with like-minded individuals and hearing firsthand accounts of resilience and determination has reaffirmed my commitment to championing gender equality and social justice. Moreover, working alongside fellow students from my school not only fostered a sense of camaraderie but also underscored the importance of collective action in effecting meaningful change.
As I depart from CSW68, I am filled with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The lessons learned and experiences gained have left an indelible imprint on my journey, fueling my passion to continue advocating for marginalized communities and striving for a more equitable world. Looking ahead, I am eager to apply the insights gleaned from CSW68 to my future endeavors, hopeful that I can contribute to building a brighter and more inclusive future for all.


Title: Reflecting on My Criminal Justice Internship: From Skills Learned to Impact on Career Goals

I. Summary/description of your internshipexperience
A. Overview of organization/agency’s mission, work, services 
B. Role and responsibilities (what were you expected to do as an intern?)
C. Skills learned (what skills did you learn during your internship experience?  For example, communication in professional settings, punctuality, dressing for success, speaking up, etc….)
D. Problems encountered (any problems or issues that arose during your internship?  How were these handled or addressed?)
II. Analysis of internship in terms of the following:
A. How did your internship experience relate to your college courses?   Discuss three aspects of the criminal justice or legal system that you understand better following your internship experience. Use at least 3 sources (textbooks, class lectures, journal articles, etc…) to relate the experience to your courses.  
B. How did your internship impact your understanding and empathy about different groups of people?  Did you learn about or interact with different populations?  How will this help you in the future, either in college or career? 
C. Did any ethical issues/dilemmas arise during your internship?  How were these resolved within the agency?  
D. Were your expectations/goals for the internship experience met? If not, what could have been better or more productive?  
E. How did the internship experience impact your career goals/objectives? Have these changed or been confirmed?Due to your internship, do you feel better prepared for the hiring, interview and employment process? 
F. How has the internship experience impacted you as a student?  Do you approach learning differently now?  Does class content impact you differently?  Do you feel as though you have a better understanding of the curriculum (required courses in your major)?  For example, why certain classes are required in your major.  
Format:  5 pages/double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, spelling/grammar/syntax are important, APA citation format for external citations; cover page required (cover page does not count towards page count)


Title: Making Connections: A Mind Map of My Insights and Coursework

As you reviewed in the resources for this week mind mapping can be a great way to make connections between and across experiences. This technique is often helpful to see not only how your insights connect to different courses, but perhaps how your insights are related to each other.
For this assignment, you will create a mind map of your insights and coursework. The suggested software to use is Links to an external site., Links to an external site., Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides, Microsoft Office or Google Docs. For the example above, was used. It is a very easy to use (and free!) website.
You should make a mind map for each of your insights (for a total of three (3)):
Your insight is listed in a thought bubble in the middle of the page.
Surrounding the insight should be the names of courses and the topics/ideas in those courses that impacted you.
Each connection line that you draw should have some corresponding brief thoughts explaining the connection.
Try to not only connect your courses (and ideas/topics) to your insights but try and connect the courses to each other and the insights to each other.  


Reflection on Internship Experience Title: “Reflecting on Growth: My Internship Experience”

The final paper provides an opportunity to reflect on the entire internship experience. The report should summarize what you learned and assess whether or not you met your learning objectives. It should also highlight any additional insights about the organization, industry, or career field and your interest in continuing in this area. This is a significant portion of your grade (20%), and the expectation is that this proposal will be at least five pages, well-formatted (40) and include the following sections.
Company Description (30)
Briefly recap the organization you are working in, and your role within the company, and highlight any changes in responsibilities that may have occurred during the semester.
Learning Objectives (60)
Outline each learning objective from your project proposal and describe the key tasks, projects, and activities that you completed to improve in one of these areas. Additionally, outline how your classroom knowledge was able to help you succeed within this internship. Reminder – at least one learning objective must be business related (ACC, AGB, CIS, ECN, FIN, MGT, MKT, SCM)
If an objective was not accomplished, then an explanation should be provided as to why and what was accomplished in place of that objective? Strengths and Opportunities (25)
Based upon your experience with the company, what do you think the company can do to better strengthen its position with the market? What do you think the company can do to improve its experience with interns?
Challenges & Roadblocks (25)
What challenges did you face, personally and professionally as you completed this internship? How did you resolve them? Conclusion (20)
Provide a summary of your internship experiences, key learnings, and overall experience. Please include a statement of how this may have refined your career focus or future learning goals.