
“E-Commerce Council: A Comprehensive Report on Training and Experience”

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Hello, I want you to work on the last report, including all the attachments and requirements that are in the file. Please note that my name is Raneem Zaid Saud Al-Othman, my university number is s190164445, and the organization I am training with is called (E-Commerce Council), and all three reports that I worked on have been attached, I would like to complete the report completely, including a presentation of the last report. I want only 7 slides, and it briefly explains what I did in the training.
And it must be (3000-4000) words (The final report not the presentation!)
The attachment file
1-the report guidelines (use it to be more specific and accurate)
2- the cover page (for the report)
3- the blue cover page for the presentation (The three reports for the tasks)
My information Name:Raneem said saud alothman
Crn: 23959
Trainee Supervisor Name: Amal AL-Quraisi
Faculty Member:Lama Khoshi
The website for the organization and social media:
If u needed any other information just tell me so I could provide it to you
Please this is so important to me and at have all the final grades be specific anf careful
for now the website dosent work so you will have to fo some research about (E-Commerce Counci in Al Ryadh)

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