policy paper

“Analyzing the Impact of Sexuality Education Policies on Undergraduate Students: A Case Study of Title IX and Abstinence-Only Programs”

Undergraduate Students (429) only: Policy Research Paper (30 points): A 4-page (minimum, not counting cover and reference pages) paper summarizing a sexuality education policy that has been enacted at a State or Federal level. Illustrate the intention of the policy and any notable impacts of its enactment. Examples: Title X, Title IX, Abstinence only programs, Nevada sex education guidelines. SIECUS has quite a few suggestions on their pages, and is a good starting point (see the info on the top of page two, in this syllabus). Extra points given for finding policies that impact many people and their sexuality, but are not discussed in this class. As always, follow the writing guidelines, and be certain to use APA formatting and citations. This is a research paper, so points WILL be deducted for formatting, style, citation, and writing errors. Writing the Written Assignments—READ CAREFULLY:
All assignments must be typed and checked for errors before being submitted. Use Times New
Roman or Arial, 12pt font, double-spaced, with APA citations. All papers are to be a
minimum of two full pages. On all assignments, spelling, grammar, and readability will be
considered, and points will be deducted if the assignment is poorly written. Do not hand in a
paper that has spelling or grammar errors. It is better to hand in a good paper a day late than a
bad paper on time