
Defending the Use of Glyphosate as an Herbicide: A Toxicology Perspective

Topic of my group: Glysophate use as an herbicide, is it a safety/healthy issue?
My part is as a DEFENDANT. 
-Read the “Google docs on defendants only”.  and do the paper based on that, where it says (Angie) its what I wrote and the rest is what my group member taht are also defendants wrote.
-We as a whole group are presenting a google slides project 2 days after we submit the paper. The paper needs to be individual. I will also attach the google slides so you can read eveverything we have so far as (defendants and plaintiffs) and have a better idea on the topic. So please also read it before making the paper.
-Each team will need to research their topic and each person will prepare an individual written
brief outlining their position (Plaintiffs vs. Defendants), which should include data and rationale
as to why the team is justified in their position. For the assigned topics, the Plaintiffs will provide
evidence as to the toxicity of the assigned xenobiotic and why it should be banned and/or limited
in use (or at least how it is currently used) in the U.S. This should include peer-reviewed and or
government-run toxicology testing (acute, chronic, different routes of exposure, etc.), routes of
exposure, organ systems affected, and known mechanisms of toxicity. conversely, the Defenders
will endorse the current use of the xenobiotic in question and speak to: 1) the current importance
of the xenobiotic’s use in the U.S. (economic, health-related, or other); and 2) supportive published
toxicology testing (showing it is safe at levels typically used) and/or flaws in the oppositions
toxicology testing results.
-Each person will
write/hand-in their own brief. I realize that the subject matter/material/sources in your individual
briefs will be very similar among team-members, but I think it is important that each person has
a chance to vocalize their findings as an individual, in addition to as a team. This will also
Hopefully prevent one team member from being tasked to do all of the writing, etc. Additionally,
if you personally disagree with the stance of the group you were assigned for a particular
xenobiotic, you may include commentary on that in your individual brief following the assigned
material. Your brief should be 4-6 pages in length (longer is also fine), 1.5-spaced using standard
12 pt Times New Roman or 11 pt Arial font and 1” margins (all-sides). Please provide complete
references for statistics, data, etc., used in your briefs following an APA, AMA, or similar citation
format You may use graphics and illustrations in your reports, but they do not take the place of
written words on the page requirements. You may not use any AI platforms to write any part of
your brief, and if that is detected through TurnitIn or other detecting software, you will be given a
zero for the assignment.