New Testament

Title: The Gospel of Matthew: Understanding its Historical and Theological Significance Introduction The Gospel of Matthew is one of the four canonical gospels in the New Testament, along with Mark, Luke, and John. It is the first book

Write a research paper on Matthew, this is one of the larger books within the New 
3-5 sources that are not from the bible on their own page.
4 pages of body, please provide a cover page.
A good thing to use is Google Scholarly. 

New Testament

Title: The Book of Matthew: A Comprehensive Analysis of the First Gospel in the New Testament Introduction: The New Testament is a collection of 27 books that form the second part of the Christian Bible. It is a sacred text for Christians and

Write a research paper on The Book of Matthew (New Testament). This is one of the largest 
topics from the New Testament. Make sure to include a 
cover page and a cited work page. You can use Goodgle scholarly.