
Title: “Exploring Intersectionality: An Analysis of Race, Class, and Intergroup Processes”

Each week you will write an analysis of the readings we will focus on for the week. There may be 1 or more readings you will analyze and I will specify which readings you should read on Wednesday for the following Monday’s Weekly Summary. 
The readings for this week are: “Race & Class”, start at CH 13 and “An intersectional approach to understanding how race and social class affect intergroup processes”, pgs. 1-6. 
Weekly Summary/Analysis should include:
1. A brief summary/analysis  of the main ideas and key concepts, using critical thinking to formulate your analysis.  Do not write a book report summary of the article/s.  Summarize/analyze the key points of the article as they relate to the week’s topic and the larger world. Write two large paragraphs per article or as specified. Ensure you label each article you are writing about. 
2. In a separate 3rd paragraph, describe something that resonated  or that you learned from the readings.  Did something from the article surprise you, make you emotional or pique your interest? If you learned something new, what was it? This section can be just a few sentences. 
3.In a separate 4th paragraph, list 2 questions for group/class discussion. These question should be open-ended, not yes or no question and not questions that have a one specific answer. These questions should be thoughtful and will be used during discussion. 
In summary, this assignment will be 2 paragraphs analyzing the article/s, (specify which article you are writing about). The 3rd paragraph (a few sentences) describing what you learned or what resonated with you and the the 4th paragraph with be 2 questions to use for discussion. 


Title: Examining Capital, Laws, and Racialized Subjects in Barrera/Carrigan & Webb Part 1: Forms of Capital: 1. In the reading by Barrera and Carrigan, the authors highlight the role of economic

Barrera/Carrigan & Webb
Part 1: Give one/two examples of each (citations are needed to support your claims):
What forms of Capital (goods, resources, etc.) were highlighted in the reading(s)?
What laws and/OR enforcement mechanisms did the reading(s) mention or center?
What discourses and ideas about racialized subjects did you find- who uttered or printed them?
Part 2: In 150-300 words, what was each author’s main argument and what connections/contradictions/complications could be made between them?
Optional: What question(s) are you left with after completing the reading? These can be discussion questions for the class or clarification questions for your TA!