International affairs / relations

Title: The Normative Theoretical Basis and Resolving Tensions in Multiracial Democracy: A Critical Analysis of Levitsky’s “The Third Founding”

Read “The Third Founding: The Rise of Multiracial Democracy and the Authoritarian Reaction Against It” by Steven Levitsky. What is the normative theoretical basis of multiracial democracy? Use the Module 4 readings (including Taylor, Kymlicka, Mouffe, and others) to explain what kinds of rights and obligations citizens can expect in such a political system. How can multiracial democracy resolve the tensions between liberal and communitarianism, and liberty and equality? What is the basis of multiracial coalitions against illiberal authoritarians who rely on racial exclusion to re-create a homogenous nation-state? 
Your answer should be five pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, with a works cited and parenthetical citations. 
Use sources from the ones I have attached and from the Levitsky paper mentioned in directions. You are to use parenthetical citations; you can use quoted phrases with page numbers as well, if necessary.

International affairs / relations

“Exploring the Key Differences Between Liberal and Critical Feminism: A Critical Analysis of the Readings”

From the Syllabus: This assignment requires you to use themes from the readings and debate
critically the meaning, scope, and/or practices. Critique does not simply mean your opinion; it
must be well-reasoned and backed up by reconstructing the arguments and ideas from the
readings. You may be surprised by the readings, think they are interesting, or incredibly boring.
… In these shorter essays, you are expected to make a strong argument about a specific week’s
readings, and to support this argument with theoretical and empirical evidence. External
sources are not required for the short papers. Your sources for these papers are class
1. What is one key difference between liberal and critical feminism? Illustrate with an
What is one key difference between liberal and critical feminism? Illustrate with an example
General Writing Handout
This handout is a general rubric for the shorter, three-page papers.
As a rubric, this means that if you do not follow the directions, then you lose points. Like, no
thesis, then you cannot receive an ‘A’ for the paper. Of course, you can also lose points if you
get things wrong. But the easiest way to lose points is to not follow these simple directions.
Things You MUST Include in Your Papers:
A thesis (what’s that? See the handout on thesis statements)
A header with your name, class, and date
Double spacing
At least one quotation or reference to a text in every paragraph except the introduction and
1 inch margins
Multiple paragraphs throughout the paper, each roughly half the page in length
Thing You NEVER Include in Your Papers:
Outside soures
Quotations from dictionaries (webster, Oxford, whatever)
Quotations from lecture, PowerPoints
General words like “good,” “bad,” or “important”
A first paragraph that is the entire first page, or more
Title pages
Large quotations from sources that are not cited (this includes copying something from a
website, and that includes hyperlinks). This also counts as plagiarism, see university policies on
this matter

International affairs / relations

“Gendered Hardships: The Impact of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on Women in Jordan”

I want to focus on the gendered dynamics of this issue. How women face significant socio-cultural and economic hardships that contribute to their overall well-being. It is important to focus on how their economic struggles contribute to early marriage and gender-based violence. It is also important to take stories from women living in jordan to provide more context for the issue
Here is a rough outline: 
Background information on the Syrian refugee crisis
Overview of the situation in Jordan
Are there past issues similar to this one?
Importance of understanding the gendered impact of the crisis
Overview of the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan
Causes and origins of the crisis
Scale and magnitude of the refugee influx in Jordan
How does it affect the people and economy?
More statistics
Response of the Jordanian government and international organizations
Challenges faced by Syrian refugees in Jordan
Are they assimilating into the country? 
Do they face similar challenges to the ones they faced in Syria? 
Is Jordan the best place for them to seek refuge?
Gendered dimensions of the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan
Gender-specific vulnerabilities of refugee women
Increased risk of gender-based violence
Limited access to healthcare/reproductive services
Economic challenges
Intersectionality: How do factors such as age, marital status, and ethnicity shape these gendered experiences more? 
Cultural and societal barriers affected Syrian refugee women
Traditional gender roles
Legal constraints on mobility and agency (Syria and Jordan)
Impact on educational opportunities
Case Studies and personal accounts
Individual stories of Syrian refugee women in Jordan
How did these women tackle challenges? 
How do different women’s experiences vary/experience similarity?
Interventions and policy recommendations
Efforts by local NGOs and international organizations to address the gender-specific needs of Syrian refugee women
Have they faced significant challenges? 
Has anything been implemented and worked? 
What new policy recommendations could be made to help these women? 
Recap of key findings 
Wrap everything up

International affairs / relations

Title: The Compatibility of Democracy and Islamic Societies: An Analysis of Arguments and Evidence

Is democracy compatible with Islamic societies? Give your argument for or against. Explain and
support your argument with evidence and citations.

International affairs / relations

Evaluating Moroccan Cultural Diplomacy: Preserving Success and Overcoming Challenges

to analyze the eevents organized by Moroccan cultural diplomacy practitioners to assess them. the aim is to preserve positive effects and combat the limitations

International affairs / relations

Peer Responses for Discussion Prompt Answer 1: I agree with your points on the importance of addressing the prompt and providing substantive responses. I also think it’s crucial to engage with the assigned readings and lesson material in our peer responses. This not

Please respond to at least two other students. Peer responses must be of sufficient length to address the discussion prompt sufficiently and sufficient substance to be meaningful (a good guide is for it to be around 100-150 words), substantive (i.e., address the content of the post and the lesson material), and grounded in the lesson material and literature. A good way to address this requirement is to make direct reference to at least one of the assigned readings and/or the lesson material in each of your required peer responses. You may challenge, support, or supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts, and theories from the required readings. Also, do not be afraid to respectfully disagree where you feel appropriate, as this should be part of your analysis process at this academic level.
Answer 1: self-explanatory
Answer 2: self-explanatory 
Answer 3: self-explanatory
When writing your response, please include in the text of the answer:
– one question
– a new fact and/or a new perspective
– use one source and cite the source at the end
– information that would support a further conversation
– address the post
Write all answers in the same document and mark them as Answer 1, Answer 2, and Answer 3 (separately).

International affairs / relations

“Engaging in Meaningful Peer Discussions”

Please respond to at least two other students. Peer responses must be of sufficient length to address the discussion prompt sufficiently and sufficient substance to be meaningful (a good guide is for it to be around 100-150 words), substantive (i.e., address the content of the post and the lesson material), and grounded in the lesson material and literature. A good way to address this requirement is to make direct reference to at least one of the assigned readings and/or the lesson material in each of your required peer responses. You may challenge, support, or supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts, and theories from the required readings. Also, do not be afraid to respectfully disagree where you feel appropriate, as this should be part of your analysis process at this academic level.
Answer 1: self-explanatory
Answer 2: self-explanatory 
Answer 3: self-explanatory
When writing your response, please include in the text of the answer:
– one question (excluding for Answer 3)
– a new fact and/or a new perspective
– use one source and cite the source at the end
– information that would support a further conversation
– address the post
Write all answers in the same document and mark them as Answer 1, Answer 2, and Answer 3 (separately).

International affairs / relations

Title: Critiquing Development Theories: Examining the Limitations of Modernisation and Dependency Theory

Question 1) How convincing do you find Escobar’s critique of development? Answer with reference to Escobar’s Encountering Development (Chapter 1) and Pieterse’s article.  
1000 words
Around 600 words to show that is is convincing
Around 400 to show why some may disagree
Question 2) With reference to at least two authors in the reading list, what are the limitations of modernisation theory and dependency theory. 1000 words
500 words for the limitation of Modernisation Theory 
500 words for the limitation of Dependency Theory

International affairs / relations

“The CIA’s Influence on Reagan’s Foreign Policy: A Critical Analysis”

IT IS AN Argumentative essay. You must answer the essay question from the list below, presenting and developing a main argument and at the same time engaging with existing academic scholarship about US intelligence and foreign policy. Essay Question:
How influential was the CIA during the Reagan presidency (1981-89)? You don’t need to find Secondary sources by yourself, I will help u to find and upload them. U can only use the sources i upload. Also let me preface this by saying that NO FALSE CITATIONS will be allowed to appear. And every important info in the “essay brief”, and i highlight. Thanks.

International affairs / relations

Title: The Influence of the CIA on Reagan’s Foreign Policy: A Critical Analysis

IT IS AN Argumentative essay. You must answer one essay question from the list below, presenting and developing a main argument and at the same time engaging with existing academic scholarship about US intelligence and foreign policy. 
essay question:
How influential was the CIA during the Reagan presidency (1981-89)? 
In completing the essay assignment, you should address Module Learning Outcomes A, B, C, D, and E. You must engage with at least five secondary sources (scholarly books/book chapters/journal articles)from the sources I have uploaded. Failure to engage with those secondary sources will result in a two-mark penalty per missing source up to 10 marks. You are encouraged to supplement these sources with your own independent research of other English-language academic sources and to engage with primary source evidence (such as government policy papers and intelligence memoranda, speeches, memoirs etc.) 
You don’t need to find Secondary sources by yourself, I will help u to find and upload them.
Also let me preface this by saying that no false citations will be allowed to appear. Thanks.
every important info in the “essay brief”.