Bank management

Title: “Analyzing the Causes and Impact of Bank Failure: A Case Study on [Selected Chapter]” Introduction Bank failures have been a recurring issue in the financial industry, causing significant economic and social consequences. In this paper, we will

write 4 pages for the chapter they selected for their term paper 
For each chapter, the students are to re-read the chapter material and cover all the material in the chapter in the term paper. 
write a two page paper and discuss the how, when, what, why and where in regards to the bank failure. Your paper should address the below questions and other important information that you would like to share regarding your perspective.
What were the cause(s) of the bank failure? How did the failure occur? When did the failure occur? Where was the bank located? Is the Bank a United States bank or an International Bank? What is your perspective regarding the bank failure? What are your suggestions that could have prevented the bank failure? What is your perspective regarding banks in general, banking crisis, and bank failures.