probation and parole

“The Impact of Social Media on Interpersonal Relationships: A Comparison of Face-to-Face Communication and Online Communication” In recent years, the rise of social media has drastically changed the way we communicate and interact with others. With the click of a button

Using your unique topic of choice, compare or contrast two concepts (two different ideas) that are specifically related to our class as a foundation for your term paper discussion.  Be sure to also use 2 credible sources to support this argument. You can also use our class textbook IN ADDITION to your two sources. Of course, a significant portion of each concept must be original. Do not “fill” your paper with quotes for the content as you will lose points. If you do use quotes or someone else’s thoughts be sure to give them credit properly. Please see the College rules on plagiarism.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How long does my paper have to be? It must be no more than 4pages. This does not include your bibliography page. Your paper must also be written in the APA and times new roman font, with a 12pt font size and double spaced with a normal 1inch font all around.
When is the paper due? Your paper is due on or before 5/4/2024 at 11:59pm for full credit but will be accepted and considered as LATE until 5/11/2024 automatically deducting a ½ grade. 
How should I submit my paper? Your paper must be submitted through this assignment tab on blackboard. There is no other option. Do not email your paper to me separately. If you have emailed your paper, it must be resubmitted here.

probation and parole

The Role of Probation and Parole Officers in the Supervision Process 1. Offender assessment and classification are crucial to the supervision process for probationers and parolees. First, they allow officers to determine the level of risk an offender poses to

Probation and Parole Officers are key players in the supervision process for probationers and parolees. Although officer roles, orientations and challenges have changed over the years, probation and Parole Officers are still important to successful outcomes for offenders under supervision in the community.   Using the information from your text and your personal experience, respond to each of the questions listed below and respond to at least one (1) of your fellow student’s responses by 11:59pm on 4/13/2024. Be sure to # your responses for each question. Remember that your response and your response to your fellow student is graded on substance and grammar.
1. Offender assessment and classification are an important part supervision.  Giving at least three examples, explain why both are so important to the supervision process.  
2. The investigative function of both Parole and Probation officers include the preparation of specific reports that play a key role in the persons sentencing and plan for programming. Identify a report that has to be prepared by both a Probation Officer and a Parole Officer and explain the purpose of each report.
3. The most important duty performed by Probation and Parole Officers is the supervision of offenders who are serving a probation or parole sentence. Identify the two main functions of both officers and list the three supervision models with a sentence explaining each. 
4. Of the issues identified as affecting Probation and Parole Officers, list which one you think is the most important and explain why.