
“The Evolution of Women’s Roles in Mediterranean Culture: A Comparative Study of the Minoan and Mycenaean Age”

Must be: 2000 WORDS, Times New Roman, Double Spaced, Research Paper, 
You are responsible for choosing your own topic but please confirm with me before you turn in
your annotated bibliographies. Make sure that your paper (i) draws on archaeological evidence
and (ii) focuses on the period between the Bronze Age and Late Antiquity in the Mediterranean.
You should use at least 5 sources for your research paper (not including texts read for this class).
These sources can be in the form of books, chapters of edited volumes and journal articles. There
are many useful search engines, such as JSTOR that can be accessed through the York University
Library website.
Be critical in evaluating the sources that you use-especially on the internet. The following sources
will not be counted towards your 5 required sources for your research paper:
i. Popular history/archaeology websites written by amateurs or published by nonacademic presses
ii. Encyclopedia and dictionaries (fine to reference in the early stages of research but
need to demonstrate deeper research than Wikipedia, Ancient History Encyclopedia)
iii. Personal websites or blogs
iv. Websites that come from a commercial institution (Khan Academy etc.)
Make sure to properly cite your sources. I recommend the Chicago Manual of Style as a reference
for formatting notes and bibliography.
Chosen Topic: Evolution of Women’s Roles in Mediterranean Culture: From the Minoan to Mycenaean Age
Question to Answer:  How do women’s roles in Mediterranean culture change from the Minoan to Mycenaean age?
Format: Introduction
Paragraph 1: Importance of women’s roles in Mediterranean culture (as shown through evidence)
Paragraph 2: Women’s roles in Minoan culture (as shown through evidence)
Paragraph 3: Women’s roles in Mycenaean culture (as shown through evidence)


Title: The Economic and Social Roles of Women in Mediterranean Cultures from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity

Must Include: 
2000 WORDS, title page in chigaco style, reference page in chigaco style, an introduction, thesis, paragraph 1, paragraph 2, paragraph 3, and conclusion, 7-8 academic sources.
You are responsible for choosing your own topic but please confirm with me before you turn in
your annotated bibliographies. Make sure that your paper (i) draws on archaeological evidence
and (ii) focuses on the period between the Bronze Age and Late Antiquity in the Mediterranean. 
You should use at least 7 sources for your research paper (not including texts read for this class).
These sources can be in the form of books, chapters of edited volumes and journal articles. Be critical in evaluating the sources that you use-especially on the internet. The following sources
will not be counted towards your 5 required sources for your research paper:
i. Popular history/archaeology websites written by amateurs or published by nonacademic presses
ii. Encyclopedia and dictionaries (fine to reference in the early stages of research but
need to demonstrate deeper research than Wikipedia, Ancient History Encyclopedia)
iii. Personal websites or blogs
iv. Websites that come from a commercial institution (Khan Academy etc.)
Make sure to properly cite your sources. I recommend the Chicago Manual of Style as a reference
for formatting notes and bibliography.
Format: Introduction
Paragraph 1: Importance of women’s roles in Mediterranean culture (as shown through evidence)
Paragraph 2: Women’s roles in Minoan culture (as shown through evidence)
Paragraph 3: Women’s roles in Mycenaean culture (as shown through evidence)
file:///C:/Users/Security%20System/Downloads/6991-193-12403-1-10-20150513.pdf (titled: the greek review of social reserahc: the economic autonomy of rural women)’s%20roles%20in%20mediterranean%20culture&f=false


Exploring Mesoamerican Artifacts at the Natural History Museum of NYC: A Study of Obsidian Tools and Clay Figurines

using the natural history museum of nyc fill out these questions. 
I. Obsidian (volcanic glass) was the most important material for utilitarian tools in Mesoamerica. It was chipped into spear points, knives, scrapers, and blades. Sometimes it was also used for polished ornaments such as ear spools, lip plugs, and beads. It is easier to work than jade (because it is much softer), but also very fragile. Most obsidian is gray or black, and can be found at sources throughout Mesoamerica. But there is one important variety of translucent obsidian that looks black from a distance, but if you look through a thin edge, it is actually a greenish color (looks like beer-bottle glass) This is found at only one source, located in Central Mexico (50 km north of Mexico City) Another very rare variety (opaque red) also comes from the Mexico City area. (You will be shown samples of these in class.)
Obsidian tools and ornaments are on display in three cases (marked on the map):
i) Preclassic specimens from Mexico City, (ii) Postclassic (Aztec) specimens from Central Mexico (mostly near Mexico City), and (iti) Postclassic (Mixtec) specimens from Oaxaca (about 400 km south of Mexico City). Please examine these specimens — focus on the obsidian; ignore the jade, pottery, and metal artifacts that are in the same cases. Then answer the following questions:
Even though the lighting is bad, try to distinguish the colors of all of the obsidian artifacts (You will need to bring a small flashlight!) Describe the form and color (gray, green, or red) of each of the obsidian artifacts (Hint: there is only one red obsidian artifact on exhibit). Are the same forms and types of objects found in each time period and in each region, or do they vary? Which regions had specimens made from green obsidian, or red obsidian? What does this tell you about trade?
Were the obsidian ear spools and other obsidian ornaments worn only by elites (high-status persons), or could anyone wear them? On what do you base your opinion? (Hint: consider the relative cost of the raw materials and the amount of labor involved in producing them.)
II. Small clay figurines are common in archaeological sites throughout Mesoamerica, from the early Preclassic period up until the Spanish conquest. They are believed to have been used in household rituals. Many of the ones on exhibit here are broken — the detached heads originally would have had bodies, before they broke off. Examples from Central Mexico are displayed in four cases (marked on the map): i) early, middle, and late Preclassic; ii) Classic (Teotihuacan); (iii) early Postclassic (Toltec); and (iv) late Postclassic (Aztec). Please examine these — focus on the clay figurines; ignore the pots, stone statues, and other objects in the same cases. Then answer the following questions:
How does the technique of manufacturing the figurines change over time? Does this change suggest anything about the degree of specialization and the organization of production?
How does the style and symbolism of the figurines change over time? Describe the figurines from each time period.
In each period, are they mostly male or female (or genderless);
human, animal, or imaginary beings? What sort of regalia and costumes (if any) do they have? Do you think they represent humans or supernatural beings? Do you think that religious beliefs changed over time?
( this is the assignment attached below i also have pictures of the artifacts if needed) 


Title: The Impact of World History and North American Archaeology on Contemporary Research and Relationships with Indigenous Cultures in the United States and Canada

You must do research for this paper (and use some peer-reviewed sources – you can find these on Google Scholar) There should be an intro and conclusion. It must be edited, double-spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12, 1-inch margins. There must be a citation page and in-text citations. Please address the following topic. How has world history and North American archaeology (past and present anthropological approaches and ideas) affected the research that is currently being conducted in the United States/Canada as well as the relationships archaeologists have with the cultures (living descendants) they are studying? You can focus on a specific culture or groups of cultures and make that the main focus of your paper, but please address the question more broadly, too. 


Title: The Impact of World History and North American Archaeology on Current Research and Relationships with Descendant Cultures

You must do research for this paper (and use some peer-reviewed sources – you can find these on Google Scholar) There should be an intro and conclusion. It must be edited, Times New Roman, font size 12, 1-inch margins. There must be a citation page and in-text citations. Please address the following topic. How has world history and North American archaeology (past and present anthropological approaches and ideas) affected the research that is currently being conducted in the United States/Canada as well as the relationships archaeologists have with the cultures (living descendants) they are studying? You can focus on a specific culture or groups of cultures and make that the main focus of your paper, but please address the question more broadly, too. 


“Exploring the Symbolic and Social Significance of Jewelry in Medieval Society”

this is for a final research paper for my intro to archaeology, the goal is to identify how jewelry was used during the medieval period. this was my proposal ( Jewelry has been an object of much value forever, but in recent years, the symbolization is quite different than the medieval era. This archaeological paper aims to explore the world of medieval jewelry and its distinct symbolization within social concepts. Personal adornment had great importance in medieval burials and societal ranking. Looking deeper into jewelry and its many forms can help us better understand the communities’ religious, cultural, and social aspects. My sources will be all academic as I will be examining The Art Of Medieval Jewelry: An Illustrated History by T.N. Pollio, who studies the usage of jewelry in medieval times not only as an expression of personal identity in lower society but also the significance that jewelry had on society. John Cherry examined another aspect of the medieval period that intrigued me in his book Healing Faith, which describes faith and belief during epidemics and plagues, where they crafted jewelry with precious stones and religious symbols to help protect them. The main question I aim to answer in this paper is: how was jewelry used in society during medieval times? Many materials were used to create jewelry during this period, which can help understand the economic status of where the artifacts were found by exploring Archaeometric studies on early medieval silver jewelry from Central and Eastern Europe( 2019) to help understand the differences in the societies’ materials. Jewelry reflects the artistic and cultural expressions of the societies during this period, and the materials can also indicate trading and advanced craftsmanship.)