Science Physical universe

“The Far-Reaching Benefits of Space Exploration and Research: A Comprehensive Analysis”

The Benefits of Space Exploration and Research
Space exploration and associated research not only helps us to better understand the universe it also results in several tangible benefits to society.  Research how space exploration over the past seven decades and identify specifically the many ways that has improved our lives.  Then reflect on this and write a 5-page paper on your findings (the fifth page being the bibliography/references). Your paper should be broad enough to account for the majority of these yet detailed enough to provide sufficient detail.  The length is based upon the use of 1-inch margins, an 11-point Times Roman font, and 1½ line spacing.  If a different style is utilized, it should result in an equivalent effort (for example double spaced papers should be six pages in length). If the paper is not properly cited you will receive a failing grade.
Basis for Grading
Both the quantity and the quality of the sources on which the research is based is important.  Do not simply google a few words and use the first entries that come up.  A strong research endeavor involves refining an initial search after carefully reading and reflecting on different materials.  Also, be sure to question the credibility of the final sources.
Cohesive Flow of Ideas
The opening paragraph should introduce the topic.  It should clearly set the stage for the rest of the paper and motivate the reader to continue.  Ideas should be presented in an organized manner.  A point discussed should not suddenly disappear and reappear in a subsequent paragraph.  Rather the paragraphs should be organized so that there is a continuous flow that supports the opening premise.  A final paragraph summing up all that was stated should successfully conclude the paper.
Topic Focus and Depth of Discussion
The paper needs to address the prompt providing instructions.  It should be sufficiently inclusive yet not so expansive that it only superficially addresses each of its points.
Integration of Knowledge
It should be apparent that the writer fully understands what was learned from the experience.  Equally important is what a reader of similar experience will take away from reading the paper.
Spelling and Grammar
More than an occasional spelling or grammatical mistake is not acceptable.  Papers should be carefully proof read.
Credit must be given to others when their ideas or words are used.  This is done by citing the paper.  The format of the citations is up to the author (e.g. MLA, APA).