Juvenile Justice

Title: “Rehabilitation Revisited: Examining Evidence-Based Programs for Juvenile Justice” List of 12 Programs: 1. Functional Family Therapy 2. Multisystemic Therapy 3. Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care 4

The original Juvenile Court was based on a rehabilitation philosophy.  Throughout the years, this objective was replaced with a Just Deserts “get tough” approach, fueled in part from the 1974 conclusions of Robert Martinson’s that “nothing works.”  Since then, there have been 48 years of data documenting that this conclusion is not true.  In fact, many are calling for the return of rehabilitation as a smart approach to youth crime, using evidence-based practices that work.
The Blueprints Model Programs document the evidence -based practices that are known to be effective in the juvenile justice field.
Click Find Blueprints Programs
Click Target Population – Click Age – Click 12-14 and Late Adolescence 16-18
You will find 12 Model and Model Plus Programs
Upload the list of 12 programs
Select your 3 favorite programs
Read the Fact Sheet, Outcome Measures, and Benefits and Costs
Write up a short reaction to 3 of your favorite programs and why

Juvenile Justice

Final Exam – Juvenile Justice – CRJU 2650.OL1 1. National Sources of Official Statistics on Delinquency and Their Limitations and Value The national sources of official statistics on delinquency include the Uniform Crime

Final Exam – Juvenile Justice – CRJU 2650.OL1
In answering the following questions, please be sure to:
1) fully address the question;
2) support your answer with course materials;
3) thoroughly edit for proper flow and grammar. 
4) be sure to use proper terminology.
The length of each answer should be approximately 1 to 1 1/2 double-spaced typed pages for each question (total of 4 to 6 pages).
You do not need to use APA format or include a reference section for course materials. When citing course materials, you can simply insert the (author(s), year) in the text. Also, there is no need for a cover page.
You can put your name in the first line or include it as a running head.
Each Short Answer Question is worth 25 points each.
What are the national sources of official statics on delinquency? Discuss the limitations and value on each of these statistics.
2. Which theory do you believe to be most aligned with why juveniles engage in delinquent activities or desist? Be sure to explain your answer in complete detail.
3. What differences do juvenile proceedings have compared to criminal proceedings? Also, what are the strengths and weaknesses of confidentiality in allowing public access to juvenile court and juvenile court records?  Support your answer. 
4. Describe in detail how the juvenile justice process functions? (i.e. from point of contact with police to the disposition)

Juvenile Justice

Title: “The Masai Today: A Comparison of Traditional and Modern Lifestyles”

– You have been employed by a non-governmental organization (NGO) to educate American workers who will travel to Africa for additional training before their assignment with various Masai tribes/sub-tribes. The program’s purpose is to work with the Masai people and help them navigate through turbulent changing times. Everyone understands that to survive, the Masai must change.
Your job is to ensure the workers have the necessary background knowledge on the Masai to understand their traditional way of life with its culture and traditions, their perspectives, and their willingness (or lack thereof) to change. The NGO workers need this background knowledge before they go to Africa for more intensive training. You know that the change must be gradual if it is to take place, so you also need to outline a strategy and identify priorities so that NGO workers can be effective in their mission.
– Watch the film, “The Masai Today: Changing Traditions, (52:13).
– Write a 1500 word essay comparing/contrasting the “old” (traditional lifestyle) way of life of the Masai with the “new” evolving way of life (modern lifestyle) as depicted in the film.
As examples, compare and contrast such things as:
How more modern Masai people deal with the modern world compared to the traditional members of the tribe.
How the traditional Masai people use animals, agriculture, and other means to support themselves is changing.
How traditional versus modern Masai view each other.
What are the agents of change in Maasai society today?
What are the views of traditional versus modern Masai on religion, traditions, ancestors, marriage, the roles of women, where to store wealth, which animals to use, etc.?
The film is the primary source of information for your assignment, but using additional resources should help you write a better paper.