Foster Care Only of kids in foster care actually

“The Struggle of Adoption in Foster Care: Examining the Challenges and Solutions”

Foster Care
Only 32.6% of kids in foster care actually get adopted, before they age out of the foster care system. Foster care is supposed to be a system to help kids and teens get out of abusive or unsafe conditions. But it’s not always that way. Sometimes kids in foster care are put into more abusive homes.
Children in foster care are not always treated the best. When a child is removed from their home assuming they will be helped and they aren’t it makes it very hard to trust people.
Of the 201,372 children that exited foster care in 2023 they spent an average of 22.6 months in foster care. Just under half (46%) or kids who exited foster care were reunited with their families and 27% were adopted and 11% exited into guardian placement. About 54% of kids over the age of 15 years are actually adopted.