
Exploring Java’s Built-in Classes and Discussing Controversial Video Games

The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered.
For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned.
To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial postings. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite sources in your responses to other classmates. Complete your participation for this assignment by the end of the week.
Java supports many prewritten classes such as Math and the Gregorian Calendar. Explore the Java documentation at and find at least three other built-in classes you think would be useful. Describe these classes and discuss the types of applications in which you would employ them.
Most computer games today are very complex. If you are not familiar with them, find descriptions of the games Grand Theft Auto and Stubbs the Zombie. Why are some people opposed to these games? Do you approve of playing them? Would you impose any age restrictions on players?


Multithreaded Number Sorting in Linux using Java Creating a Java Thread Example Creating a Java Thread Example

Number Sorting in Linux using Java
CS330 Introduction to Operating Systems
Learning Outcomes Covered
CLO5: Develop a practical experience with Unix to make use of OS
concepts related to process/threads creation, synchronization, file
manipulation, etc
The primary objective of this project is to implement a
multithreaded program in Java to sort a list of numbers using thread
programming techniques in a Linux environment.
By completing this project, students will attain the following:
hands-on experience with multithreaded programming in Java in a Linux
understanding of process and thread management concepts in a Unix-like
programming skills in Java and familiarity with Java development environment on
problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and creativity through
project-based learning.
In today’s computing environments, efficient sorting algorithms
play a crucial role in various applications, ranging from data processing tasks
to system-level operations. The ability to sort large sets of data quickly and
accurately is essential for optimizing performance and ensuring the smooth
operation of software systems.
The objective of this project is to develop a multithreaded program
capable of sorting a list of numbers using different sorting algorithms. The
program will be implemented in Java and will leverage the multithreading
capabilities of the Java programming language. The project will specifically
target a Linux environment, providing students with practical experience in
developing and running multithreaded Java applications in a Unix-like operating
Develop the project using Java programming language.
Utilize Java’s built-in threading support (e.g., Thread class,
Runnable interface) for multithreading.
Implement the chosen sorting algorithms as separate classes or methods
that can be executed concurrently by multiple threads.
Use Java’s threading constructs (e.g., Thread, Runnable, join(),
interrupt()) for creating, synchronizing, and terminating threads.
Ensure proper thread synchronization and coordination to avoid race
conditions and ensure the correctness of the sorting process.
Set up a Linux environment for development and testing. Choose a
Linux distribution such as Ubuntu or Fedora. A standalone or a virtual machine
version could work for this project.
Use popular development tools like NetBeans, OpenJDK, Eclipse, or
IntelliJ IDEA for Java development on Linux.
User Interface
Develop a command-line interface (CLI) to interact with the
Allow users to input the list of numbers to be sorted or read the
numbers from a file.
Provide options for selecting the sorting algorithm and setting
other parameters (e.g., number of threads).
Error Handling
Implement proper error handling mechanisms to detect and handle
errors such as invalid input, file I/O errors, and thread-related exceptions.
Provide informative error messages and graceful recovery strategies
where applicable.
Testing and
Validation – Challenging. (Bonus)
Test the program extensively in a Linux environment.
Verify the correctness of the sorting results and measure the
performance (e.g., execution time, memory usage) for different sorting
algorithms and thread configurations.
Document the design, implementation, and testing of the program,
including the algorithms used, data structures employed, and thread management
Prepare a presentation to demonstrate the project work, discuss
design decisions, highlight key features, and showcase testing results.
Appendix A: A Simple Program using Java Threads.
Below is a simple Java program demonstrating the use of threads in
Linux. This program creates two threads that each print a message to the
console repeatedly.
public class ThreadExample extends
Thread {
private String message;
private int interval;
public ThreadExample(String message, int interval) {
this.message = message;
this.interval = interval;
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create and start two threads
ThreadExample thread1 = new
ThreadExample(“Thread 1: Hello!”, 1000); // Print “Hello!”
every second
ThreadExample thread2 = new
ThreadExample(“Thread 2: World!”, 1500); // Print “World!”
every 1.5 seconds
Appendix B: Install a Virtual Machine Software—VirtualBox
Please visit for more information.
Appendix C: How to install Linux (Ubuntu) in a virtual machine
Please visit For more information.
Appendix C: How to create a Java Console Menu Application
Please visit for more information.
Appendix D: How to Install NetBeans on Ubuntu Linux
To use NetBeans for Java programming, you need to first install
JDK. Read “How to install JDK on Ubuntu”.
To install NetBeans:
Download NetBeans from Choose
platform “Linux (x86/x64)” ⇒ “Java SE”. You shall receive a sh file (e.g.,
“”) in “~/Downloads”.
Set the downloaded sh file to executable and run the sh file. Open
a Terminal:
$ cd
$ chmod a+x   // Set
to executable for all (a+x)
// Run
Follow the instructions to install NetBeans.
To start NetBeans, run the script “netbeans” in the
NetBeans’ bin directory:
$ cd netbeans-bin-directory
$ ./netbeans


“Building a Chatbot Box for a Website: A Comprehensive Guide”

every thing related to the project is in the file, the idea is to build a chatbot box for a website. 
Everything should be written in the outline and should cover all requirements. 
the due date is in two hours 


1st Assignment: Challenges and Solutions in Cloud Computing 2nd Assignment: The Interaction of Interrupt Handling and Paging in Virtualization 3rd Assignment: Analyzing Causes of Cloud System Failures: A Case Study

1st assignment is a discussion topic should answer the following question: List some of the challenges of cloud computing. How can one overcome those challenges? It should be 150-200 words 2nd assignment is a discussion topic too should answer the following question: Virtualization of the processor combined with the virtual memory management poses multiple challenges. Analyze the interaction of interrupt handling and paging and explain what you found to the class. It should be 150-200 words 3rd assignment is a case study: Search the Web for reports of cloud system failures. Write a 3 to 4 page paper where you discuss the causes of each incident. Make sure you use APA format and adhere to the writing rubric. Writing Requirements 3–4 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list) Include at least two peer reviewed sources that are properly cited. You can use these 2 files below to answer the questions but also do a research.


“Organizing and Finalizing a Shopping System: Ensuring Requirements and Functionality”

i have a shopping system I did 80% of the work i need someone to organize it for me and make sure all the requerment is there. i need someone who knows php, html, css and javascript


Vector Creation and Manipulation with Country Class #include #include #include #include “country.h” using namespace std; //Function prototypes void printCountries(vector countries); void addCountry(vector&

This assignment builds on what was created in the previous assignment and uses the created class as a subject for
vector creation and manipulation.
If you completed the previous assignment correctly you can use your copy of the class files. If you have not or have
doubts, my copy of the country.h and country.cpp files will be available together with this description so you can
download them and use them as the basis of your solution.
Together with this description you will find two text files: countries.txt and countries2.txt. These are your data files.
Download these and keep them in the same folder as you work; your driver program will need access to them.
Also, you will find a video (sample-run.wmv) which demonstrates the operation of the application.


“Analyzing Constitutional Rights Violations in Diana’s Case”

Read Diana’s case from the class chapter and explain determine if constitutional rights were violated


Predictive Analytics using Excel on Mall Customer Dataset Title: “Predicting Customer Spending Habits at a Mall using Excel: A Predictive Analytics Approach”

please conduct a predictive analytics through Excel and implement the requirment of the PDF, use the dataset provided to you can access it from here…


“The Loss of Privacy in the Age of Social Media: My Personal Experience and Concerns” Section 1 – My Social Media Profile: Facebook I use Facebook the most out of all social media platforms because it allows me to connect with friends and

The man [woman] who is compelled to live every minute of his life among others and whose every need, thought, desire, fancy or gratification is subject to public scrutiny, has been deprived of his individuality and human dignity. He [she] merges with the mass…. Such a being, although sentient, is fungible; he [she] is not an individual. – Edward J. BlousteinLinks to an external site.
Social media, in the form of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat has exploded in popularity over the last 10 years. Each of the “the big 4” social media market leaders have serious privacy related issues associated with their use by consumers, such as:
Facebook: Facial recognition, Third party apps, and Location tracking.
Instagram: Stories, Live videos, and Targeted ads.
Twitter: Unauthorized retweets, Data collection, and Default privacy settings.
Snapchat: Snap Map, Snaps do not truly delete and can be re-savable, and Snapchat Spectacles
A vast amount of personal and private data is collected by these companies and powerful data analytics tools are used to extract and categorize behavioral patterns for “productivity” and “business gain.” Data science is an exploding field where data is mined to better predict consumer buying patterns and market goods and services more effectively.
Review this report from the Pew Research CenterLinks to an external site. that gives an up to date overview of the social media landscape: Social Media Fact SheetLinks to an external site.
Watch the following videos:The Future of Your Personal Data – Privacy vs MonetizationLinks to an external site.
Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy mattersLinks to an external site.
Data MiningLinks to an external site.
Review and take notes on the concept of a “reasonable expectation to privacyLinks to an external site..”
Begin by creating an initial discussion board post that addresses the following:Section 1 – Subtitle: My Social Media Profile Explain what social media platform(s) you use the most and why. Address such details as followed:How often you login?
What information you share?
How many followers you have?
What constitutes the bulk of your activities?
Section 2 – Subtitle: Privacy Issues Start by reviewing the “reasonable expectation to privacyLinks to an external site.” Wikipedia page.After reviewing, comment on what you can expect when it comes to your own privacy on the social media site you listed above.
Address what comments, problems, concerns and/or questions you have about the social media you picked above. Section 3 – Subtitle: Data Analytics Write about data mining and data analytics being used to identify your behavioral patterns when you are using the social media pick above.
Many people are noticing ads being solicited to them on social media sites shortly after searching for an item on Google, listening to particular song and/or clicking on links. Address if you have experienced this and what was it exactly.
Give your post a compelling title and submit your work. Note: that to encourage independent and critical thinking, all discussion forums in this class are set to “Users must post before seeing replies.”
Review your post before submitting.Editing is allowed after submitting.
Your post should be formatted as shown below:


Python Journal Project “Programming Problem Solving and Documentation” Journal Entry for Program Outcome: “Calculating the Area of a Triangle”

Touchstone 4: Python Journal Project
ASSIGNMENT: For this project, you will learn how to effectively plan, design, develop, and test an original program of your choosing. This program is your choice and it can be as complex as you wish. The goal is to start with an idea for your program and then step through the process of most phases of the development lifecycle to turn your idea into an actual program. This includes planning out the algorithm using pseudocode, coding your program using everything you learned from Units 1-3, and finally testing and debugging your program to make sure it fulfills your intended purpose. Being able to create your own program can be beneficial in any career field. Anything that can be programmed or automated in any industry could make your work a lot easier. Even as a hobby, it can give you a reference point to have a better understanding of how to deal with common issues. Using basic Python to automate menial tasks can save you time and money! Whether you were in this class to learn programming at a professional level or if it’s just for fun, you will benefit from learning coding as a foundation of your technical skills.
……..For this Touchstone, you will fill out a journal (template link below) which has five sections that correspond to the five steps you will complete for your final project. Use this template to write your journal responses for each section of the project. When you have finished, you will submit this journal as a Word .doc/docx.
Python Journal Template
The following Example Python Journal Submission will be helpful to you as you work on this assignment and shows acceptable submissions for each entry.
Example Python Journal Submission
In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Please note that you cannot use the same program used in a previous programming course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI.A. Directions
Step 1: Download and review the Python Journal Template.
Step 2: Review section C (Requirements) to get acquainted with the requirements for this Touchstone before you begin writing your journal entries.
Step 3: Follow the directions for each part of the journal template. Make sure to include in your response all the elements listed under the Requirements section. Prompts in the Inspiration section are not required; however, they may help you to fully think through your response.
Follow the journal creation process that is presented in your Unit 4 lessons to ensure you write a thorough journal entry. There is also an example of a successful journal entry for each submission in Example Python Journal Submission.
Review section B (Rubric) to make sure you have an understanding of how each journal entry will be graded.
Step 4: Once your journal is complete, including the code link, submit your journal for grading.
There is a help video on “How to submit your Touchstone” in the first lesson of Unit 4 (Python Touchstone Overview)
B. Rubric
Advanced (100%)Proficient (85%)Acceptable (75%)Needs Improvement (50%)Non-Performance (0%)
PART 1: Defining Your Problem (16 points)
State the problem you are planning to solve.The student clearly stated the problem they are trying to solve, including what the program is expected to do to solve the problem and any necessary inputs and outputs required for the program.The student clearly stated the problem they are trying to solve, including answers to most of the required questions.The student clearly stated the problem they are trying to solve, including answers to some of the required questions.Either the student did not clearly state the problem they are trying to solve and/or did not include answers to most of the required questions.No problem was identified and/or no details were given for the expected solution.
PART 2: Working Through Specific Examples (16 points)
Write down clear and specific steps to solve a simple version of the problem you identified in Part 1.
The steps to solve the problem are in English and easily understood and appear in logical order. The journal entry fully satisfies the requirements.The steps to solve the problem are in English and easily understood, appear in logical order, however some minor steps may be missing. The journal entry mostly satisfies the requirements.The steps to solve the problem are in English but may not be in logical order or may be missing some steps. The journal entry barely satisfies the requirements.The steps to solve the problem are in English but highly illogical, confusing, or missing critical step(s) and /or the journal entry does not satisfy the requirements.No steps were provided in English and/or no answers to the required questions were submitted.
PART 3: Generalizing Into Pseudocode (16 points)
Write out the general sequence your program will use in pseudocode, including all specific examples you provided in Part 2.
The pseudocode submitted encapsulates the full functionality of the program and includes common program elements. The pseudocode is clearly laid out and readable to a person that does not know Python.The pseudocode submitted encapsulates most of the functionality of the program including common program elements. The pseudocode is clearly laid out and readable to a person that does not know Python.The pseudocode submitted encapsulates most of the functionality of the program including common program elements. However, the pseudocode is not clearly laid out and readable to a person that does not know Python.The pseudocode submitted does not encapsulate the functionality of the program to include common program elements. The pseudocode is also not clearly laid out and readable to a person that does not know Python.No pseudocode was submitted and/or the pseudocode submitted was not understandable.
PART 4: Testing Your Program (16 points)
While writing and testing your program code, describe your tests, record any errors, and state your approach to fixing the errors.
Entry consists of a thorough explanation of the testing utilized and why, recording the error(s) found, and the approach to fixing the error(s) for each of the test cases.Entry consists of a thorough explanation of the testing utilized; including answering most of the required questions.Entry consists of a thorough explanation of the testing utilized; including answering some of the required questions.Entry does not give a thorough explanation of the testing utilized and/or does not include answers to the required questions.No testing explanation was provided and/or no answers to the required questions were submitted.
PART 5: Commenting Your Program (16 points)
Submit your full program code, including thorough comments describing what each portion of the program should do when working correctly.
The provided code in the journal entry includes comments that thoroughly describe the program flow to a degree that a non-programming individual can easily follow the steps and conclude the outcome of the program.The provided code in the journal entry includes comments that describe the program flow to a degree that a non-programming individual should be able to follow the steps and conclude the outcome of the program. There could be some additional comments needed or added clarity.The provided code in the journal entry includes some comments on the program flow that may not be clear to a non-programming individual and/or may be missing some comments that would make the flow easier to understand.The provided code in the journal entry includes minimal comments to explain the program flow and/or is missing comments that would make the program easy for a non-programming individual able to follow the steps and conclude the outcome of the program.The provided code in the journal entry did not include comments and/or comments provided do not provide any description or clarity on program flow.
PART 6: Your Completed Program (20 points)
Provide the Replit link to your full program code.
The program works as expected. No errors present. Any required user input executed correctly. Output was as expected.Performance level not used.Performance level not used.Program did not work as expected however, detailed comments were given to why the student felt it did not run including testing efforts.No link to a program was submitted for testing.
C. Requirements
The following requirements must be met for your submission:
Use a readable 11- or 12-point font.
All writing must be appropriate for an academic context. Follow academic writing conventions (correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting).
Journal entries must be original and written for this assignment; plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.
Submission must include your name and the date (included in the template).
Include all of the journal parts in a single file. Acceptable file formats include .doc and .docx.
Include your Replit Share link at the appropriate location in the journal template.