ancient medieval

Title: “The Coat of Arms: A Symbol of Medieval Heritage and Values” Introduction: Coats of arms have been a prominent feature in medieval society, serving as a symbol of family lineage, achievements, and values. These herald

Your submission should include the following parts of a medieval coat of arms, it must be written in Chicago Style Citation:
Crest: Top ornament
Helm: A helmet of your own design
Mantle: Colored ribbons
Shield: The central piece of the heraldry in the shape of a shield. On which should be a design of significant meaning
Supporter: A symbol holding up the Shield, may be an animal or symbol of some significance
Motto: A Latin phrase which serves as a family motto placed underneath the shield.
Alongside the heraldry itself you are expected to submit 1-2 pages of explanation of the symbols and design you picked. If you do not follow the specific aspects of medieval symbolism and design you will need to explain why you did not and identify medieval symbols which have similar meanings.
Your final paper should have an introduction and conclusion, and a paragraph for each of the parts of the six parts of your Coat-of-Arms