The aesthetic of taste

“Chef: A Culinary Masterpiece that Exemplifies Aesthetic Principles”

my essay is on the movie Chef staring robert downry jr and scarlett johansson. My principals are 1. Objects are aesthetically valuable if they possess a special aesthetic property or exhibit a special aesthetic form. 
2. Objects are aesthetically valuable if they have the capacity to convey values or beliefs that are central to the cultures or traditions in which they originate, or that are important to the artists who made them. 
3. Objects are aesthetically valuable if they have the capacity to produce pleasure in those who experience or appreciate them. 
write 3 full pages, not counting a works cited
structure in the Classical Format (see Classical Rhetoric Essay Structure and Content Terms)
(Links to an external site.Include correct paper formatting, in-text citation, and works cited (if necessary) (see Video: MLA 9 (For all in-text and works cited questions)
Include the language of aesthetics in an organic fashion
Evaluate the work of your choice, critically analyzing how it meets THREE of the Aesthetic Principles, excluding principle 8. Try to employ effective analogy, descriptions, and relevant comparisons to works that are already considered classic to help make a case for why your subject should be considered a classic work of art.