Crime in Film

Title: Representations of Crime and Justice in Hustlers and Thelma & Louise: A Comparative Analysis

Very important that you follow essay format, with a clear thesis, or major argument, supporting arguments, and an introduction and conclusion
Compare and contrast the ways in which your selected films construct crime and/or criminal justice issues. Consider how the two films are similar or different in how they represent crime, criminals, and/or the justice system. In addition, your answer should focus on how the time period in which the films were released may have influenced their representations of crime and justice.
Two Films:
Hustlers (2019)
Thelma & Louise (1991) 
Please consider the following points:
Which film you select will influence the content you use in the essay. Consider the focus or guiding question of each week’s lecture to help structure your answer.
Your essay should be written in full sentences with a clear thesis, or major argument, supporting arguments, and an introduction and conclusion.
The answer should integrate relevant course content – from the lectures and readings, where appropriate – with any course-specific concepts clearly defined. 
In regards to length, there is no set length requirement the answer should fully address the question and integrate relevant course material. 
Please utilize these two sources attached below to help develop your answer, one is my in-class lecture and the other is our assigned readings for that week