Physical geography

Exam 1 Essay Questions: Atmospheric Processes and Circulation

✓ Upload your file (PDF or Word.doc) into the Assignment window titled,
“Exam 1 Essay Questions” located in the Exam 1 module.
Essay questions must follow these parameters to receive credit:
• Double spaced, 10-12-point font, .5 – 1-inch margins
• Word.doc or PDF format; submit one, single file please
• Type the question, and then your answer.
• College level writing is expected. Points will be deducted for grammatical errors.
• Your answers should be in paragraph form (a paragraph is 4-6 sentences), with complete
sentences, no fragments of sentences, or bullet points.
• *All answers are to be derived from your textbook. NOTE: You may not copy the book
word for word, compose answers in your own words. If you would like to include
supporting information from an outside source, in addition to the information from the
course textbook, the outside source(s) must be academic and properly cited. See the
syllabus for Chicago (Author Date) citation style.
• Length: 1 page minimum – 2 pages maximum for each question.
• Be sure to answer every part of each question.
• Each question is worth 4 points (20 points total).
1. Describe the roles that water vapor, carbon dioxide and ozone play in atmospheric processes. How are
these three gasses important with regard to atmospheric processes?
2. Explain land / water contrasts, including the four reasons why land heats and cools faster than water.
3. Describe the general location, movements and characteristics of the following components of the general
circulation of the atmosphere: ITCZ, subtropical highs, westerlies, and the trade winds.
4. Explain El Niño. Contrast the oceanic and atmospheric conditions in the Pacific Ocean basin during an El
Niño event with those of a normal pattern. What is meant by Southern Oscillation? What are
*NOTE: For this question, in addition to your textbook, you may also incorporate information from
the videos on El Niño in the module.
5. Describe the global distribution of precipitation. In your answer identify three regions of high
annual precipitation three regions of low annual precipitation and the reasons why certain regions are
arid, while other regions of the world experience heavy rainfall annually.

Physical geography

Atmospheric Processes and Global Circulation Patterns 1. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone are three important gases in atmospheric processes. Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas and plays a crucial role in regulating Earth’s temperature. It absorbs

Essay questions must follow these parameters to receive credit:
• Double spaced, 10-12-point font, .5 – 1-inch margins
• Word.doc or PDF format; submit one, single file please
• Type the question, and then your answer.
• College level writing is expected. Points will be deducted for grammatical errors.
• Your answers should be in paragraph form (a paragraph is 4-6 sentences), with complete
sentences, no fragments of sentences, or bullet points.
• *All answers are to be derived from your textbook. NOTE: You may not copy the book
word for word, compose answers in your own words. If you would like to include
supporting information from an outside source, in addition to the information from the
course textbook, the outside source(s) must be academic and properly cited. See the
syllabus for Chicago (Author Date) citation style.
• Length: 1 page minimum – 2 pages maximum for each question.
• Be sure to answer every part of each question.
• Each question is worth 4 points (20 points total).
1. Describe the roles that water vapor, carbon dioxide and ozone play in atmospheric processes. How are
these three gasses important with regard to atmospheric processes?
2. Explain land / water contrasts, including the four reasons why land heats and cools faster than water.
3. Describe the general location, movements and characteristics of the following components of the general
circulation of the atmosphere: ITCZ, subtropical highs, westerlies, and the trade winds.
4. Explain El Niño. Contrast the oceanic and atmospheric conditions in the Pacific Ocean basin during an El
Niño event with those of a normal pattern. What is meant by Southern Oscillation? What are
*NOTE: For this question, in addition to your textbook, you may also incorporate information from
the videos on El Niño in the module.
5. Describe the global distribution of precipitation. In your answer identify three regions of high
annual precipitation three regions of low annual precipitation and the reasons why certain regions are
arid, while other regions of the world experience heavy rainfall annually.