Marine Biology

“Rewriting and Resubmitting: Enhancing the Quality of Final Essays Using AI and Peer-Reviewed Sources”

Hi, I have written an final essay, it was flagged for Ai, and my professor gave me another day to rewrite and resubmit. I can attach my original document that got flagged for reference. I also need to include two pictures, or graphs in the essay that count towards the page numbers. All the references have to be peer reviewed journals/articles as well

Marine Biology

Title: The Decline of Ocean Fisheries and Potential Solutions: A Comprehensive Analysis

A) The statistics- What major fisheries (species) are in decline?  Find tables or graphs to show this.  What percentage of protein consumed around the world comes from the ocean?  What countries take the most fish from the sea?  What countries cannot survive a reduction in seafood (in terms of their protein budget)
B)  The laws- How much ocean does a country control?  What happens outside that area of control (does the UN step in?  Are treaties used?)
2.  Causes:
A) The technology-What methods have increased the yield of fish being caught (describe them and explain why they are so lethal)?  Why is technology a double edged sword?  What does the concept of maximum sustainable yield mean?  What is bycatch?
B)  The game- What is the prisoner’s dilemma (youtube or read)?  Look at the scoring system and apply it to the problem of sharing the ocean. 
3.  Solutions
A) Saying no to technology- Is there a market for fish caught via less wasteful (bycatch minimized) and less devastating methods?  Read about swordfishermen who harpoon rather than longlining.  Is this a sustainable and profitable way to catch fish?  Are there other examples of using older methods to harvest fish?
B)  Cooperating in the prisoner’s dilemma- Have fisherman within in the USA figured out how to share resources?  If so how does it work?  What about US fishermen competing in open waters with other countries?  Read about the Maine lobster fishery which appears to be healthy.  Is cooperation in any form practiced there?  Does it translate to finfish fisheries?
C)  Aquaculture- What is it?  How does it help wild populations? Most commonly grown species?  Can it be used with pelagic fish (like Tuna)?  What is the “net protein” problem with aquaculture?  How is it being solved?  Bottom-line, can it save some of the species you listed 1A?
1.  Must cite all info.  If I can’t check your numbers or claims I will assume they are fabricated
2.  After you gather data for each subsection you need to check it with me before moving on.  This shouldn’t be in polished form yet (that comes later in the final paper/presentation)
3.  After you finish researching each section (and I’ve checked you off for it) you will combine the work into a paper which uses the following format. 
4.  Scoring is 42 points total
Each research subsection is 0-3
Intro and body of paper is 0-7
Conclusion (use of evidence from research) 0-7
Conclusion (strength of argument) 0-7.
Intro (part 1)
Body (2 and 3)
Conclusion-  Any hope based on 3a,b,c?  Why or why not?  This should be an argument based on the information you have found.