Law and mortality

“Exploring the Intersection of Science and Philosophy: Reflections on Extra Credit Assignments for PHIL 206”

PHIL 206: Extra Credit Assignments (Spring 2024)
All extra credit assignments need to be 1-2 pages (double spaced). You will receive between 1-3 points per assignment. I will distribute these grades in a way that benefits you the most (it usually makes sense to put these points towards your research paper. I will not be giving you feedback, so if you want to know how many points you received, you will need to ask me. Each assignment is due by midnight on the last day of the semester (Tuesday April 23rd). There is a Dropbox on OAKS, which is where you will submit these extra credit assignments. Each assignment can be uploaded individually to this folder. You can submit the assignments at any time during the semester.
I want you to tell me what you thought about the video/talk. I only need to discuss the parts of the talk that you find particularly interesting. You needn’t spend much time summarizing.
Assignment 1
For this assignment, you need to watch the following documentary: 
Assignment 2
For this assignment, you need to watch the following talk about free will and neuroscience: 
Assignment 3
For this assignment, you need to attend the following talk: