La Chicana

Title: Negotiating Identity and Feminism: A Study of Ethnic Mexican Women in the United States

Final Exam Guidelines
For the Final Exam you will submit an 3-4-page essay that responds to the following guidelines. 
Carefully follow ALL directions below.
In this final essay you will address the following:
In the second half of the class, we looked at how ethnic Mexican women negotiated their existence in the United States in the 20th and 21st centuries. You were introduced to Mexican women of the 1920s and 1930 in Vicki Ruiz’s article “Star Struck” and you were introduced to Las Pachucas of the 1940s. You were also introduced to Las Chicanas of the 1960s, such as the Dolores Huerta, Chicana feminists, and Chicana loyalists, and their struggles within the Chicano Movements. Using any of these characters and the associated themes of the time-periods discussed, provide an essay that discusses the following:
1. Identity Formation – how and why did the ethnic Mexican women in Learning Modules 2, 3, and 4 form their specific identities? What are the influences, situations, desires, etc. that informed their identity formation? Provide an example from one of your sources, cite your source, and explain your response in detail.
2. Chicana Feminism – Using any Chicana from Learning Module 4, describe and discuss the presence of Chicana feminism. How does the character under discussion embody (represent and act out) Chicana Feminism? Provide an example from one of your sources, cite your source, and explain your response in detail.
3. Gender and Sexuality – How does gender and sexuality shape the identities of the ethnic Mexican women from Learning Module 2, 3, and 4? Here you need to provide a working definition of gender and a working definition of sex. It is important that you leave this course knowing the difference between these two terms. I will count off if you do not provide these definitions. Provide an example from one of your sources, cite your source, and explain your response in detail.
Writing Format: 12pt Font Times New Roman, Margins: 1″ all around, double-spaced. DO NOT leave more than one space between paragraphs!
Use the following outline to help you brainstorm:
I. Introduction: Inform the reader what your paper intends to do and what sources you will be discussing.
II. Body of Paper: Discuss questions 1, 2, and 3 above. Discuss specific characters and provide specific examples from the course materials. This essay should be about the Chicanas you learned about in Learning Modules 2, 3, and 4. The term “Chicana” is a wide-ranging term that consists of ethnic Mexican women of different races, classes, genders, sexualities, etc. 
III. Conclusion: What are the main themes that tie your examples together.