
Medical Report Summary and Terminology Analysis: A Case Study on the Respiratory System Case Study: “A Case of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)” from University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (

Find a medical report/case study and write a summary interpreting the report or study in a Microsoft Word Document.
Cut and paste the URL (website address) for the case you have chosen. Choose a case related to the body system you have been assigned.
Suggested Links:[Medicine%20(General)]=Medicine%20(General)  
The summary needs to be written in your own words and include age and gender of patient, description of symptoms, diagnostic tests, and the final diagnosis. 
After the summary make of list of 10 correctly spelled medical terms contained within the medical report/case study. Divide each term into parts and label each part with the prefix, combining form and suffix. Define the words literally by the word parts. Then write a definition obtained from a medical dictionary or the text. 
Review the grading rubric and follow it to help ensure you have all the requested components of the project done. 
Upload the completed project into the Medical Report Project Assignment due in Module 7. 
There will be a discussion reflecting on what was learned by doing this project in Module Seven


Title: “Surviving the Brussels Airport Attack: A Journey of Healing and Learning to Cope with Trauma”

Please see the directions below.  I wrote a response and would like you to rewrite it.  I am also including the link to the information so that it can better assist you.  
My entire life I travelled the world living in different
countries.  My mother was in the United
States Army and as she was assigned to numerous duty stations, I was subjected
to move every two to three years. My favorite Country I loved to call home was
Belgium. The base was the host to all NATO Countries, which provided me the
opportunity to attend a school with all different nationalities.  Learn different cultures and languages as
well.   We traveled all around       Europe including Spain,
Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Paris, and London. Although I was young, I
have great memories of the historical information I was provided.  In 2016 at the age of 8, I  was living in Belgium.  I experienced a life-changing event.
On March 22, 2016, 
was a time that I will never forget. It started as a happy day when I was ready to board the plane leaving Belgium and head to Delaware to spend Spring Vacation with my grandparents whom I had not seen for two years.  Unfortunately, the trip never happened.  That was the day where terrorists decided to
bomb the Brussels Airport.  As we were
waiting at our gate, I heard what was like a loud boom and gunshots.  I looked up and all I saw was people running
towards us.  At that age, I really didn’t
know what was happening but what stayed with me was being escorted out of the airport
and walking by bodies lying on the floor. Walking through black smoke and
seeing half of the airport missing from the explosion. The challenge I faced after
the attack on the airport was leaving my mother’s side and being able to go
back to school as if everything was ok.
I had separation anxiety when I had to leave my mother and a
fear of airports. I held in a lot of feelings and became an angry child. I
never wanted to talk about what happened. 
It wasn’t until I was in the 8th grade three years ago, that
I was made to go to counseling.  During
this time, I was able to learn how to deal with my emotions.  I was encouraged to talk about the attack
instead of hiding it inside of me.  I
learned how to trust people again.
The experience taught me that being able to live in your
feelings is the first healing process. I learned how to talk about the event and
what took place.  I learned that I cannot
blame innocent people for something that I had no control over.  


Medical Terminology and Treatment of Urinary System Disorders – Temperature: pyrexia – Tiredness: fatigue – Confusion: disorientation – Urinary burning: dysuria – Frequency: pollakiuria – In

Discussion: Urinary System
3131 unread replies.3131 replies.
Mr. Brown 76 years old, presents to the clinic this morning with a temperature of 101.5 degrees F with complaints of tiredness and confusion.  He has urinary burning, frequency, and involuntary passing of urine for the past week. His history includes waking up at night to have to go to the bathroom and lower abdominal pain for two weeks, His urine is cloudy and has a strong odor. He has swelling of the lower legs on both sides.
His urine test revealed many RBCs and WBCs in clumps and a moderate amount of bacteria present.
Cipro 500 mg twice a day for 7 days
Lasix 20 mg every day
Using a bullet point for each item, list the underlined word from the urology note and translate it to the proper medical terminology.
Divide three of the selected terms by using slashes. Example: urology, ur/o/logy
What term could you use to indicate the presence of RBCs in the urine?
Post a question to the class regarding one symptom that Mr. Brown has.
Response: Respond to one classmate and briefly answer the question that the classmate listed and/or give suggestions on the classmate’s division.