Urban and Environmental planning

Title: Exploring the Diversity of Los Angeles Through an OCTA Bus Ride

For this assignment, choose an OCTA or LA Metro bus route that you can ride in one direction for at least 30~45 minutes. Ride the bus during daylight hours and take detailed notes about what and who you see on the bus and what you see beyond the bus windows. Choose a route that you think might give you the greatest diversity of experience (a route that goes through changed or changing neighborhoods, for example).
Think about the following questions:
i) What areas are you riding through? What sort of changes do you see as you move from one neighborhood to another?
ii) What kind of activities do you see on the sidewalk (walking, jogging, street vendors, etc.)?
iii) What sort of land use do you see? Do you see mostly businesses, residences, or public areas? What do the buildings look like? Do you see graffiti or public art?
iv) Is there any evidence of how a neighborhood might have changed? For example, converted industrial buildings? Ask yourself when you see landmarks or buildings—what might have been there before?
v)Use photos and/or maps to provide a visual narrative to supplement your
textual one.
Write a 1,500-word description and reflection in which you draw upon course readings, lectures and discussions to supplement your observations. Be sure to include a map that highlights your bus route and the name/number of your route.

Urban and Environmental planning

“Building for Success: A Comprehensive Report on Residential Development Planning and Feasibility”

Residential building development report will focus on: 
site analysis
market research
development scheme
financial feasibility
risk assessment
policy implications

Urban and Environmental planning

“Assessing Quality Environmental Design, Durability, and Building Costs: A Comprehensive Analysis of Property Types and Defects”

This assignment will assess
the following learning outcomes.   
Evaluate what constitutes quality environmental
design across a range of different property types.  
Analyse durability and the economic life of
buildings including identifying common building defects.  
Develop preliminary building costs and quantities
estimates from plans and specifications.  

Urban and Environmental planning

“Building a Foundation for Neighborhood-based Planning: A Profile of Buffalo’s West Side Neighborhood”

Choose a planning neighborhood in the City of Buffalo and create a “pre-planning” neighborhood profile that would set the stage for a place-based planning effort. The assignment is not to determine a plan for a neighborhood, but to provide context for guiding a neighborhood-based planning effort. For this project, students will:
●Describe the location of the neighborhood.
○ (
●Use publicly available data sources to build demographic, economic, and housing profiles.
○ (
●Perform a SWOT analysis of neighborhood assets, physical conditions, and public life.
○Pre-planning plan, list of locations to take photos
●Describe sub-areas and uses within the neighborhood as appropriate.
●Use primary and secondary information to create a list of possible neighborhood considerations.
●Identify neighborhood-based constituents (organizations, institutions, public officials, community groups, etc.) and key contacts that would be important to engage in the planning effort.
●Where will the community’s role in the planning process fall on the spectrum of community engagement? Describe methods to gather additional community input. What resources will the community need to fulfill this role? What will
be your obligations to the community in return?
This assignment is due 5/14 – 4/2 is a day to do field work for this assignment

Urban and Environmental planning

“Exploring the Current Literature on [Research Topic]: A Comprehensive Review and Analysis”

i am doing my reserch design and i wrote the introducation part as well as the liertature serch. however i want you to write for me the lierarture review section and enhance my literature search 

Urban and Environmental planning

Title: Exploring Urban Theory: A Critical Analysis of Theoretical Frameworks and Recommendations for Future Research

This is an analytical assignment that requires you to write a well-developed critical paper related to the concept of urban theory. 
The essay must be at least 10 pages including bibliographic information, 1.5 spaced and size 12 font. 
• A title page including a title that reflects the argument or question being explored
• A table of contents
• An abstract not exceeding 150 words
• Introduction/Background (Page 1 starts here)
• Literature Review/Theoretical Framework (which theory, theories or theorist(s) inform your work?)
• Discussion and Analysis (link back to theoretical framework)
• Recommendation(s) (if necessary)
• Summary/Conclusion
• A list of references or works cited, a minimum of 10 scholarly journals and/or books
Scholarly Format. 

Urban and Environmental planning

Title: Investigating the Importance of Sustainable Practices: A Comprehensive Analysis and Recommendations

This project is your opportunity to investigate a sustainability topic of your choosing in depth. why it’s important to sustainability.  Prepare a 10-page paper (typed, double-spaced, 12-point type, 1-inch margins) summarizing your research, analysis, and recommendations.
Include the following sections in your paper:
Introduction — In a page or two this frames the topic, introducing your research question, explaining why its important, and setting out some initial hypotheses on ways to address it. 
Background — Several pages look at the literature on the topic (articles, books, videos, etc.) and identify main perspectives on the topic, including values, assumptions, and worldviews connected with those points of view. 
Stakeholders — A page or two to discuss different types of stakeholders (those affected in one way or another; this can include other species, future generations, etc.) and the types of power they have or don’t have over the subject. 
Potential Solutions — A page or two outlining the pros and cons of different approaches towards improving the situation. Mention examples or existing best practices if possible. 
Conclusion — A couple of paragraphs summarizing your analysis of the topic and making a recommendation.
A few photos or graphics are a good addition to any paper (in addition to the 10 pages of text). You can either integrate graphics into the text or can include them at the end. Include captions explaining what the graphic shows (even if it seems obvious to you), and include sources for any graphics not your own.
Research strategy
Start by identifying a few key sources of information, preferably those that give an overview of the topic. Obtain material from the library, from the web, by talking to relevant experts, and/or by contacting organizations working on this subject. If your topic involves a particular place, visit that place if possible, observe problems first-hand, review documents and other materials, and perhaps talk to residents or city staff. After you’ve gained a general understanding of the topic, look for additional materials that present particular viewpoints on it, including contrary viewpoints to mainstream perspectives. Your aim should be to triangulate the topic—understanding how a range of different experts or stakeholders see it.
Use APA style for citations (author, date). 

Urban and Environmental planning

Title: Understanding the Multi-level Socioenvironmental Contributors to Childhood Asthma in New York City: A Comparative Analysis of Recent Studies

I have attached the pdf of my final paper but i need it rewritten according to changes
marked in the other pdf. PLS REFER BOTH THE PDFs. 
For which my primary research article is – Khan (2021). Multi-level socioenvironmental contributors to childhood asthma in New York City: a cluster analysis. Journal of Urban Health, 98, 700-710. 
My other sources for research were- 
Coomes (2022). Assessment of the health benefits to children of a transportation climate policy in New York City. Environmental research, 215, 114165.
Grant & Wood (2022). The influence of urban exposures and residence on childhood asthma. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 33(5), e13784.
Zanobetti (2022). Childhood asthma incidence, early and persistent wheeze, and neighborhood socioeconomic factors in the ECHO/CREW consortium. JAMA pediatrics, 176(8), 759-767.

Urban and Environmental planning

Title: “SS United States: A Historical and Architectural Marvel and its Potential for Adaptive Re-use as a Place-Making Project”

Write a term paper according to the outline and included sources. The paper should be about 8-10 pages and discuss the history and architecture of the ss united states, the importance of its role as an engineering marvel and the the discussion of theoretical applications for adaptive re-use projects such as the ss united states and the real prospective plan for the rehabiliation of the ss united states as a place making project. Use the attached outline as a guide and reference for sources. The powerpoint is a helpful guide. 

Urban and Environmental planning

Title: The Multifaceted Impact of Childhood Asthma in New York City: An Analysis of Socio-environmental Factors and Interventions

Write me a detailed powerpoint presentation along with the speaker notes about my class urban environmental health where I am researching on the topic of – The Multifaceted Impact of Childhood Asthma in
New York City: An Analysis of Socio-environmental Factors and Interventions. 
For which my primary research article is – Khan (2021). Multi-level socioenvironmental contributors to childhood asthma in New York City: a cluster analysis. Journal of Urban Health, 98, 700-710. 
My other sources for research were- 
Coomes (2022). Assessment of the health benefits to children of a transportation climate policy in New York City. Environmental research, 215, 114165.
Grant & Wood (2022). The influence of urban exposures and residence on childhood asthma. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 33(5), e13784.
Zanobetti (2022). Childhood asthma incidence, early and persistent wheeze, and neighborhood socioeconomic factors in the ECHO/CREW consortium. JAMA pediatrics, 176(8), 759-767.
Make sure to adhere to all these point:
Provide an exemplary introduction of how this research challenged or extended prior work, gave background information on multiple prior observations and provided a clear research objective or hypothesis.
Accurately reported the type of study, how that study is feasibility conducted, the level of evidence and identified independent and dependent variables. Identified sources of the data if from outside databases. Clearly articulated how each variable/exposure was measured and could be defined for the class.
Provide a high-level overview of public health significance relevant to the urban environment in light of global trends. Provided meaningful data such as mortality, case-fatality, odds ratio or other relevant statistics to drive home the importance of the topic.
Provided a detailed review of the results, identified intendent and dependent variables. Highlighted what was most relevant. Interpreted results to the best of the student’s ability and was transparent about what was unknown or still misunderstood.
Provided valuable insight into the limitations of the work, went beyond repeating information from the research article but demonstrated critical thinking in the application of  the work.
Provided detailed ideas for next-steps, interventions along a proposed causal pathway and asks novel questions of the culmination of research articles in practice. Applied course terminology like primary/secondary or tertiary intervention and thought about
At least two thoughtful questions posted to peers.
I have shared the document of my research paper and also the document about the 
comments of my professor regarding the paper. Along with those, i am attaching the drafts of my paper for refernce purposes.