Good Life

“The Evolution of My Definition of the Good Life: A Reflection on My Future Goals and Personal Growth”

college paper on the good life. I need to talk about how i hope my future will be. and i need to show personality. andd how ive evoloved my decrptions of what mnakes a good life now. i will send all the papers within the last 8 weeks of notes. Final Paper will be about your Personhood and character not your activities. If you focus only on the circumstances of your activities you will only cover 1/3 of the material and will likely earn a 33% grade
i really just want the three pages to be about the bodys paragraphs.. Career page one,  Physical  page two, Social page 3. dont worry on incopurrating a intro or conclusion.. i can handle those. I really just need help on the body paragraphs.  im not good at writing or being creative.