business strategy

“Organic Growth and Internal Development: A Comprehensive Analysis of Amazon’s Business Strategy and Knowledge Management Approach”

please can you ensure that you write in uk English only, only use Harvard referencing style. on this assignment I have chosen Amazon you need to follow the plan that I have attached. for the Amazon it’s better to write about the internal development/organic growth including internal business strategy and knowledge management approach you need to do this in full detail. explain about positive and negative of the internal benefits to business and the down falls, when explain about the sustain mention about the planned development of Amazon, dynamic capabilities explain how easy Amazon respond to changes and locating demands to respond to external could mention grown by them self and self produced by them self, stake holders mention about who’s important why and how do we priorities to which stakeholders keep happy. mention about the governance how is Amazon managed for example being in the media for wrong reasons bad press. mention about the csr corporate, social, responsibility. please can you reference from google books and you can find the books that I found on google books please follow the plan and only use appropriate sources like books I’ve attached and uk sources only. please include introduction, and executive summer please ensure talk about back ground knowledge of Amazon by providing them evidence on what they do and what they do good please can you attach images as-well to make it look pretty.