
Title: Exploring Indigenous Social Work: Concepts and Importance in Social Work Practice and Education

· there are three essay questions; 10 marks each; exam is worth 30% of the final grade 
· each question will be 3 pages, double spaced, in length 12 pt font; Use of full and complete sentences. 
· each question will have a title page 
· if references are used, plea se include a reference page 
· the expectations are to use the readings and class material to demonstrate your understanding of the questions and the answer to be expressed in your own words  
1. Discuss the concept of Indigenous Social Work, taking into consideration material from the class, and how this type of social work is different from the mainstream social work   practice.   
2. Discuss the concept of Indigenous Social Work education and the different factors that are included in this approach. 
3. Taking into consideration class material, including the Required Readings, please explain the concept of Indigenous Child Welfare and its importance to Indigenous Social Work.