World civilization

“Avoiding AI and Plagiarism: A Guide for Students”

Please no AI I have gotten 3 zero because nobody on this app follows direction at all. No AI or plagerism I will not summit the lectures until I check if it’s AI. Please use the sources I gave you. No outside sources

World civilization

“Analyzing Passages: A Critical Reading Exercise”

No outside soureces. Please read instructions and read the passages. No outside sources just information I gave you or I will get a 0

World civilization

“The Mission of Friar William of Rubruck: Exploring the Journey of a Medieval Missionary”

The book the essay needs to be written about is “The Mission of Friar William of Rubruck”. I do not have any links to an online copy of this however if you do end up needing specific page numbers I can provide you with pictures from a hard copy.

World civilization

Title: Primary Source Analysis Assignment

What kind of primary source is it?
Who is the author or creator (if known)?
Can you tell why it was written or created?
Can you tell who the intended audience was?
What is the primary source’s tone? What words and phrases
(and/or scenes and visual perspectives) convey it?
What are the author’s or creator’s values and assumptions?
Is there visible bias?
What information does it relate to? Did the author or
creator have first-hand knowledge of the subject or did s/he report what others
saw and heard?
What issues does it address?
What is your overall assessment of the primary source and
its usefulness/significance for the historical study of your topic?

World civilization

“The Blame Game: Examining Responsibility for the Destruction of the Library of Alexandria” The Library of Alexandria is widely considered to be one of the greatest cultural and intellectual institutions in human history. Its vast collection of knowledge and literature attracted scholars and thinkers

Read all of the library of Alexandria documents. 
Write a argumentative essay in which you articulate your interpretation of who bore responsibility for the destruction of the library. Secondly, explain why you have determined the other two groups did not destroy the library 

World civilization

“The Twentieth Century’s Defining Conflict: A Comparison of the Impact of World War I and World War II” Name: [Your Name] Date: [Date] Class: [Class Name] The twentieth century was marked by two major global

Write an essay that answers the following question and submit in drop box.  Place a heading at the top of your paper with your name, date, and class. Use 14 font and 1 1/2″ margins double spaced.  A comprehensive answer is expected  
1.  Which of the two world wars had the greatest impact on the twentieth century?  Be specific with you argument and details, and consider both wars before drawing your conclusion

World civilization

“The Limits of European Absolutism: Examining Universal Themes in World Civilizations”

A standard Western Civilization course includes a unit or sub-unit on European Absolutism.  The content, as might be expected, focuses on European monarchs.  Such an approach obviously would tell only part of the story in a World Civilization course.  
As you examine the exhibits which follow, do you see universal themes?  For example, do Kings or Queens address religion as a matter that can be directed (or protected) by the State?  Do European powers really have a monopoly on virtue or wise exercise of power?
(By going as late as 1850, we are stretching the standard period of European Absolutism.)