Civil homework help

“Analyzing the Impact of Social Media on Consumer Behavior: A Case Study of Instagram”

 Follow rubric Verbatim
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Analysis Report
Your submission should be a 4- to 5-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Civil homework help

“Legal Analysis of a Police Stop, Search, and Arrest” Instructions: 1. Introduction Provide a brief overview of the case and the events that took place leading up to the stop, search, and arrest of the two men. 2. Legal

Week 1 Project: Case Analysis
Two officers were patrolling a high-crime area of a town known for its high incidence of drug dealing. They noticed a man standing by a car speaking to the driver and passenger. He handed them an object and walked away.
According to the officers, when the driver and his passenger spotted the police, they got out of the car quickly and began walking away while glancing back at the officers nervously. The officers stopped the two men and asked them a few questions. During questioning, the officers detected what they believed was the smell of marijuana on the men.
The officers then performed a pat-down search and one of them noticed a bulge in the pocket of the driver’s jacket. The bulge felt like a bag of pills, so the officer reached into the man’s jacket and pulled out what was actually a bag of marijuana. The officers arrested the driver and searched the car. They found more marijuana under both seats of the car. They then arrested the passenger.
Was the stop of the two men by the officers legal with reference to the case of Illinois v. Gates (1983)? Why?
Was the search of the two men legal with reference to the case Minnesota v. Dickerson (1993)? Why?
Was the seizure of the marijuana from the driver a violation of the protection guaranteed under the Fourth Amendment? Why?
Was the officers’ search of the car legal? Why?
Was the arrest of the passenger legal? Why?
Present your analysis in the form of a Microsoft Word document. Name your document SU_MCJ6410_W1_A3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Civil homework help

“Exploring Legal and Compliance Implications: A Discussion with Peers”

 In your response posts to at least two other peers’ initial posts, respond to the following:
Compare and contrast your thoughts on the legal and compliance implications identified by your peers.
Explain one additional measure for preventing such actions that your peer did not discuss in their initial post. Why do you feel it is an essential measure?
** Speak in first person

Civil homework help

Legal and Compliance Implications of Fraudulent Billing in a Hospital Title: “Uncovering Fraudulent Billing in a Hospital: Legal and Compliance Implications and Preventative Measures”

Imagine that a hospital in the United States has recruited a billing specialist who reports to the manager of the billing department. The responsibility of the billing specialist is to ensure compliance with billing policies and procedures. The manager has begun an audit of the department’s adherence to policies and procedures. The audit reveals that the recently recruited billing specialist is not following the standard billing guidelines. In several patient bills, the manager observes billing errors and noncompliance with the hospital’s standard process. After investigation, the manager determines that it is fraudulent billing.
In your initial post, include the following:
Identify the legal and compliance implications of the billing specialist’s actions.
Describe how you believe the manager and hospital should respond to this issue.
Describe the measures the hospital should take to prevent the recurrence of this issue.
 Reading: Essentials of Health Policy and Law, Chapters 2, 3, and 12 
Textbook link:

Civil homework help

Title: Analysis of Health Policy and Law: Implications for Healthcare Providers and Organizations

**Read rubric verbatim***
What to Submit
Your submission should be a 2- to 3-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Reading: Essentials of Health Policy and Law, Chapters 2, 3, and 12 
Textbook link: