Constitutional law

“The Evolution of American Government: A Study of the Constitution and Its Structure”

the only source need is our text book: American Constitutional, Volume 1 the structure of government by Ralph A. Rossum, G. Alan Tarr and Vincent Phillip Munoz

Constitutional law

“The Evolution of American Government: A Study of the Constitution and Its Structure”

the only source need is our text book: American Constitutional, Volume 1 the structure of government by Ralph A. Rossum, G. Alan Tarr and Vincent Phillip Munoz

Constitutional law

Title: Balancing Reasonableness and Use of Force in Police Practices

Separate each section appropriately
1) Discuss the concept of reasonableness in conducting searches and seizures. Does the probable cause standard insure reasonableness?  Do we need something more or does it go too far in constraining police efforts at public safety?  Discuss fully.
2) Discuss police use of force issues.  How much force can police use?  When is it appropriate to use deadly force?  What is excessive force?  Describe and discuss fully.