Employment Law

“Analyzing Brown v. Board of Education: A Case Study in Labor and Employment Law”

I have a rubric attached below this needs to be close to 10 pages written and the topic will   be on Brown V. Board of Education. There is not a certain number of references needed. 
Assignment: Each class member is required to analyze a court
case from any labor and/or employment law area. 
The case may be federal, state, or local.  The analysis should be 10-12 double-spaced
typed pages.  You may use a style guide
of your choosing.  Please clear your case
with me prior to beginning your research. Note: You may not choose any case
that was assigned as homework for this class.
I.  Analysis of legal
A.  Identification and legal citation of case                                      3 points
B.  Thoroughness of analysis of case at all
jurisdictions                17 points
C.  Student conclusions regarding case                                            5  points
*C should include
your opinion on whether you agree/disagree
with the decision at
each level of the case.  Justify you
II.  **Grammar
/Reference Citations                                                    5 points
Total 30 points
**There are no minimum or maximum number of references.  However, your references must be academic in
Plagiarism will be addressed in accordance with the Carlow
University Academic Policy

Employment Law

“The Legal and Ethical Implications of Employer Discrimination Based on Physical Appearance in Customer-Facing Jobs” Introduction In today’s society, physical appearance is often seen as a defining factor in a person’s success. This can be particularly true in

submit an essay of 2,500 words or fewer on an appropriate public policy issue related to a significant employment law topic. The topic being whether employers should be allowed to discriminate based on physical appearance for customer facing jobs. The paper should include the basic legal framework regarding discrimination in the work place as well as referencing these two cases:

Employment Law

“Privacy Rights vs. Employer Surveillance: A Case Study Analysis of Koeppel v. Speirs”

Read the Koeppel v. Speirs case study found in Chapter 15 of your textbook readings this week. The case involves a private-sector employer’s surveillance camera that was challenged as an invasion of privacy. Submit your report to the CHRO.

Employment Law

Title: “Proper Investigative Procedures: Lessons Learned from Estrada v. Wal-Mart Stores” In the case of Estrada v. Wal-Mart Stores, the court must decide whether Wal-Mart management conducted a proper interrogation of an employee accused

The Estrada v. Wal-Mart Stores case study illustrates that if interrogations are not conducted carefully, they can lead to many legal problems.  In this case, the court must decide whether Wal-Mart management improperly interviewed and interrogated an employee accused or suspected of wrongdoing.  After reading this case study found in Chapter 15 of your textbook, address the following:
Based on the evidence presented, how would you have ruled in this case? What specific evidence presented in the case study influences your ruling? In crafting your response, consider the application of proper investigative procedures to this ruling.
Turning to the courts’ ruling, what is the legal significance of this case as it relates to investigations and your HR practice?
Evidence is an integral part of academic writing and critical thinking. When crafting your responses, please be sure to use the textbook and resources, as well as any outside research you might conduct, to support your statements.