History of Photography

“Capturing the Essence of Life: The Evolution of Street Photography through the Lens of Henri Cartier-Bresson”

Photography goes beyond capturing images; it reflects society, culture and individual viewpoints. Among the types of photography street photography stands out as a way to capture the essence of daily life. In this study I aim to explore the history of street photography by focusing on the works of Henri Cartier Bresson. By delving into Cartier Bressons background inspirations and his iconic photos this paper seeks to illuminate how street photography has evolved as a genre and its lasting influence, on culture.
Thesis Statement: 
By analyzing Henri Cartier Bressons life story, artistic beliefs and a collection of his photographs this research will investigate how his contributions transformed street photography leaving a mark on generations of photographers and shaping our perceptions of the world around us.
Research Sources:
Primary Sources:
Henri Cartier-Bresson’s published writings, including “The Decisive Moment” and “Images à la Sauvette.”
Interviews, letters, and autobiographical accounts by Cartier-Bresson.
Archival materials from Magnum Photos, the agency co-founded by Cartier-Bresson.
Secondary Sources: 
Biographies and scholarly articles on Henri Cartier-Bresson’s life and work.
Critical analyses of Cartier-Bresson’s photographs and their cultural significance.
Academic studies on the history and evolution of street photography as a genre.
Photographs for discussion:
“Behind the Gare Saint-Lazare” (1932)
“The Decisive Moment”(1952)
“Srinagar, Kashmir” (1948)
“Hyeres, France” (1932)
“Sunday on the Banks of the Seine, Paris” (1938)
The selected photos capture Cartier Bressons style and his ability to freeze moments of human experience in urban surroundings. Each picture acts as a glimpse, into a time location and emotion encouraging viewers to contemplate the intricacies of life.
Overview of the significance of street photography
Introduction to Henri Cartier-Bresson and his influence
Biography of Henri Cartier-Bresson
Early life and influences
Formation of artistic philosophy
Founding of Magnum Photos
Evolution of Street Photography
Historical context and predecessors
Cartier-Bresson’s contributions to the genre
Analysys of Selected Photographs
Describe each photograph in detail
Discus the compositional elements and thematic significance
Cultural Impact and Legacy 
Influence on contemporary photographers
Enduring relevance of Cartier-Bresson’s work
Summary of key findings
Reflection on the enduring significance of Cartier-Bresson’s contribution to photography
Exploring the life and artistic contributions of Henri Cartier Bresson this study endeavors to offer an insight into the development of street photography and its lasting influence, on arts. By examining his images within their framework this paper aims to shed light on the enduring significance of Cartier Bressons creative perspective.
Also find a way through your analysis to tie all the photographs you’ve chosen together.       What do they represent about his career/style/vantage point on the world? Why these 5 photographs?
*You may add more photos if needed*

History of Photography

“Capturing the Essence of Life: The Evolution of Street Photography through the Lens of Henri Cartier-Bresson”

Photography goes beyond capturing images; it reflects society, culture and individual viewpoints. Among the types of photography street photography stands out as a way to capture the essence of daily life. In this study I aim to explore the history of street photography by focusing on the works of Henri Cartier Bresson. By delving into Cartier Bressons background inspirations and his iconic photos this paper seeks to illuminate how street photography has evolved as a genre and its lasting influence, on culture.
Thesis Statement: 
By analyzing Henri Cartier Bressons life story, artistic beliefs and a collection of his photographs this research will investigate how his contributions transformed street photography leaving a mark on generations of photographers and shaping our perceptions of the world around us.
Research Sources:
Primary Sources:
Henri Cartier-Bresson’s published writings, including “The Decisive Moment” and “Images à la Sauvette.”
Interviews, letters, and autobiographical accounts by Cartier-Bresson.
Archival materials from Magnum Photos, the agency co-founded by Cartier-Bresson.
Secondary Sources: 
Biographies and scholarly articles on Henri Cartier-Bresson’s life and work.
Critical analyses of Cartier-Bresson’s photographs and their cultural significance.
Academic studies on the history and evolution of street photography as a genre.
Photographs for discussion:
“Behind the Gare Saint-Lazare” (1932)
“The Decisive Moment”(1952)
“Srinagar, Kashmir” (1948)
“Hyeres, France” (1932)
“Sunday on the Banks of the Seine, Paris” (1938)
The selected photos capture Cartier Bressons style and his ability to freeze moments of human experience in urban surroundings. Each picture acts as a glimpse, into a time location and emotion encouraging viewers to contemplate the intricacies of life.
Overview of the significance of street photography
Introduction to Henri Cartier-Bresson and his influence
Biography of Henri Cartier-Bresson
Early life and influences
Formation of artistic philosophy
Founding of Magnum Photos
Evolution of Street Photography
Historical context and predecessors
Cartier-Bresson’s contributions to the genre
Analysys of Selected Photographs
Describe each photograph in detail
Discus the compositional elements and thematic significance
Cultural Impact and Legacy 
Influence on contemporary photographers
Enduring relevance of Cartier-Bresson’s work
Summary of key findings
Reflection on the enduring significance of Cartier-Bresson’s contribution to photography
Exploring the life and artistic contributions of Henri Cartier Bresson this study endeavors to offer an insight into the development of street photography and its lasting influence, on arts. By examining his images within their framework this paper aims to shed light on the enduring significance of Cartier Bressons creative perspective.
Also find a way through your analysis to tie all the photographs you’ve chosen together.       What do they represent about his career/style/vantage point on the world? Why these 5 photographs?
*You may add more photos if needed*