Global foundations of public admin

“The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and United Kingdom”

I’ve attached my midterm paper & final paper proposal which I will use to reference along with my final paper. I’ve also attached the teachers template as to what I need, I can make my own page 1 so you can skip if necessary. Try to stay in alignment of my references used on the midterm.

Global foundations of public admin

“Exploring the Importance of Critical Thinking in Decision Making” In the fast-paced world we live in, decision making is an inevitable part of our daily lives. From choosing what to wear in the morning to making important life-changing decisions, we are

Choose four articles you like (EXCEPT the one you are presenting) and write reaction papers.
Reaction papers
1. Key points of the article – DO NOT summarize all. Pick what you think is the most important and explain why.
2. Your thoughts – relevant experience or example you have, thoughts or suggestions…
One page (double or single-spaced, 12 points)
Freedom of choice,