Advanced Estimating and Bidding Strategies

“Comparative Analysis of Conceptual, Assemblies, and Detailed Cost Estimates for a Single Family House”

I made   (2) COnceptual COst EStimates – (2) Assemblies Cost Estimates – (1) Detail Cost Estimates.
I used this guide lines to do the estimates:
Conceptual Cost Estimate
Develop different possible design/quality scenarios for a Single Family House comparable to the Johnson’s Residence. Your scenarios should be based on the information and the level of scope definition expected during the conceptual phase of the project.
Prepare a construction cost estimate for each of the scenarios developed in the previous step using the Square Foot Estimator Tool available on the RS Means OnlineLinks to an external site. website.
Summarize and tabulate the developed cost estimates in the most informative and easy-to-read way possible.
Assemblies Cost Estimate
Develop two or three design/quality scenarios along similar to those developed under the Conceptual Cost Estimate but assuming the level of scope definition expected at 30-40% of the project design.
Prepare a construction cost estimate for each of the scenarios developed in the previous step using the Assemblies Cost Data section available on the RS Means OnlineLinks to an external site. website.
The developed cost estimates should be organized following Uniformat II and should be summarized and tabulated in an informative way.
Detailed Cost Estimate
Use the project documents posted on Blackboard to identify the project scope of work.
Perform quantity takeoff for the items identified in the previous step.
Prepare a detailed construction cost estimate using the Building Construction Cost Data section available on the RS Means OnlineLinks to an external site. website. Your cost estimate should be organized following CSI MasterFormat.
Assume that you will subcontract a few items (including electrical and mechanical work) and use assemblies/square foot cost data to estimate these items.
Coneeptual Estimates
1-EconomicSquareFootReport_Scenario 1_Nartional Average- the price is based on Nation Average.
2-Economic_SquareFootReport_Scenario 2_Miami – price is based in Miami FL
Assemblies Cost Estimates
1- Assembly Estimate-Scenerio 1. It is would frame building and the front has brick veneer.
2- Assembly Estimate – Scenario_2_exterior concrete wall is the same as Scenario 1 but the only change is that the exterior is Concrete structure.
Detail Cost Estimate
1-Detail Estimate_National Average. 
For The Report :
The above cost estimates should be analyzed and compared to identify the level of accuracy and the major cost items that significantly differ between the three types of estimates. I
The final project report should be well-written and properly organized. It should include the following minimum parts/sections (in order): cover page; table of contents; executive summary; brief project description; one section for each of the three estimating methods above; analysis and comparison of the estimated construction costs of these methods; and conclusions. If you used any references in preparing this report, please list them in a separate section at the end of the report but before the appendices (if any). Any other type of data or documents not directly related to the three estimating methods above (e.g. marked specs and/or plans; quantity takeoff sheets; or sketches …etc.) should be included in numbered and indexed appendices.
I am attaching the reports that should be added in the report. making the report about 14 pages
I also going to attach the floor plans.