
“The Life and Legacy of Prophet Muhammad: From Birth to Migration to the Message of Islam”

please include all the following in the essay: 
List the main events from the birth to age 40.
Events of 13 years from the first revelation to the migration.
Events from migration to the completion of the mission.
The essence of the message.
The importance of ‘ILM (knowledge) and Amal (practice).
The social, political and spiritual impact of the message.
The main achievements of Prophet Muhammad pbuh during the last ten years in Madinah
The Importance of Mosque in Islam
The act of brotherhood
The relationship of Muslims with non-Muslims.
What did you learn from the film “the Message”?
How does Islam deal with the question of Islamophobia?
What is the essence of Islam?
How can the five pillars of Islam help a Muslim in becoming a better human being as an individual and as a member of human society?
What makes Americans so afraid of Islam?
Conclude with three best qualities of Islam and a story of your choice.


The Misconceptions of Muslim Women: Debunking Stereotypes and Uncovering the Real Role of Women in Islam “Correcting Common Mistakes in Translating Islamic Terminology: A Guide for Language Students”

My final assignment is to write a research paper.  I attached my outline and my first draft but I used    chat gpt to write most of it.  I need an extensive 2,000 word minimum paper using at least 5 academic sources.  I provided 3 in my outline that I attached but I need a total of 5 scholarly sources, (preferably articles or journals).  The paper must argue why the misconceptions about muslim women are indeed misconceptions and describe the real role that women play in this religion.  The outline and rough draft are attached to use as reference points but please rewrite the paper without any plagiarism or ai.
Guidelines for RESEARCH PAPER Final Version
A. Structure and Minimum Requirements:
1. At least 2,000 words of the MAIN BODY (I will exclude counting the words in the
COVER PAGE, BIBLIOGRAPHY, your name, class information, date, title, and any
other information irrelevant to the MAIN BODY of your paper).
2. Title. For example, “Avicenna and His Philosophy.”
3. Cite at least 5 academic sources (books or academic articles only). You can use
internet sources, such as blogs, forums, discussions, Wikipedia, etc., but they will not
count as one of the sources.
4. None of the reading assignments I posted on Canvas for weekly readings will count
as one of these sources. The Qur’an will also not count as one of these sources.
5. Whenever you quote from a source (books, articles, internet, etc.), use proper
citations. Citations are required even when you are paraphrasing sentences/ideas from
other sources. Otherwise, it is plagiarism and will be punished by a failing grade for
the course and will be reported to the university for appropriate disciplinary action.
As a general rule, whenever you are using somebody else’s opinions as if they are
your own, it is plagiarism. When in doubt, use citations. There is nothing wrong with
using as many citations as necessary.
6. It is preferred that you use the MLA style. However, you may use APA or Chicago
formats too. Whichever style you choose, use it consistently for the entire paper (do
not switch from one style to another).
7. Include a “bibliography” page at the end of your paper.
8. Make sure that you submit your paper on time through canvas.
B. Content:
1. Your paper must include an introduction and conclusion.
2. Make sure that you clearly state a main thesis/argument in the introduction. In fact,
you can start your paper as the following: “In this paper, I argue that….”
***An Argument is a sentence you can say “right” or “wrong” to. Consider the
following examples:
–In this paper, I will describe (or analyze/talk about/write about/ touch
upon/focus/delineate) Avicenna’s philosophical thoughts. This is NOT
–In this paper, I argue that Avicenna cleverly utilized some of Aristotelian
concepts to develop his own philosophy. This is AN ARGUMENT.
3. Do not switch to irrelevant topics/points. Your whole paper must be a coherent whole
in itself.
4. Make sure to use paragraphs appropriately. Avoid using too short or too long
paragraphs. For every new idea, start a new paragraph and make sure that your
paragraph presents a coherent structure in itself.
5. Research paper is not a book report. You are using the 5 sources to strengthen your
argument and explore the topic you chose.
6. Include as much critical analyses/comments/insights as possible from your own. Your
analyses, comments, insights must be no less than 300 words, at least.
C. Grammar
1. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
2. Never use an author’s first name only unless s/he is your friend.
3. Please pay attention to the following common mistakes:
–Difference between: they/they’re
–Difference between: its/it’s; his/he’s
–Difference between: lead/led
–Difference between: one’s/ones
–Difference between man/men; woman/women
–Difference between ‘’/’
–Difference between ‘/ ’
–Differences among Islam/Muslim/Islamic
3. Be extra careful especially when using technical terms, names, and words from other
languages. For example, do not make the following common mistakes:
–Quran, Qu’ran (wrong), Qur’an (correct)
–Alfarabi, AlFarabi (wrong), Al-Farabi (correct)
–Mutezilite, Mu’tezilite (wrong); Mu‘tezilite (correct)
D. Grading:
1. No title: -15 points
2. Less than 2,000 words: Every 5 missing words will cause a point. For example, I
will take 10 points off if your paper is 1950 words only, and 20 points off if your
paper is 1900 words only, and so on.
3. Quality of Content:
–Good: Paper is structured successfully, there is introduction/ development/
conclusion, paragraphs are used appropriately, argument of the paper is developed
and defended clearly and successfully, and there is at least 300 words satisfactory
critical analysis.
–Moderate: Paper’s structure is disorderly, or there is no clear
introduction/development/conclusion, or paragraphs are used inappropriately, or
argument of the paper is loosely developed and defended, or there is less than 300
words satisfactory critical analysis: -25 points.
–Poor: There is no structure in the paper and there is no clear
introduction/development/conclusion, or there is no argument in the paper and no
relevancy between paragraphs (author is jumping from one topic to another), or
critical analysis is unsatisfactory or there is no critical analysis: -50 points.
4. Missing Sources:
–Only 4 sources are used: -15 points
–Only 3 sources are used: -30 points
–Only 2 sources are used: -45 points
–Only 1 source is used: -60 points
–No sources: -80 points
5. Grammar:
–Each grammar, spelling, or punctuation mistake: -2 points
–Each citation mistake: -7 points
–Maximum points taken off because of grammar: -50 points
6. Submission and Deadline:
–Each day your paper is late: -15 points
— 5 days after the deadline, your paper will not be accepted at all.


“The Evolution of Islamic Technology and Civil Tactics: A Comparison between Medieval Iberia and the Spanish Civil War” “The Complex Interactions between Christians and Muslims in Medieval Spain: A Comparative Analysis of Historical Texts”

Since the start of the semester, we have explored the high degree of religious, ethnic, linguistic, and cultural diversity of medieval Iberia.  At that time, from the 8th C to the 14th c, there were Christians, Jews, and Muslims living together in complex relationships with one another.  These groups came from a diversity of places as well: Arabia, the Middle East, eastern Europe, Iberia itself, and north Africa.  We have also explored the later historical phenomenon of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).  Here, as well, there was a plurality of religions, political ideologies, ethnic groups, and national communities vying for power and participating in territorial and cultural endeavors.   
We have, and will continue to explore a number of distinct themes comparing medieval examples to 20th century ones, including art (painting, mosaics, sculpture, etc.), architecture, gardens and public spaces, diplomacy and propaganda, gender and identity, famous characters, music and literature, and food and feasting.  We have but touched upon these themes in class, but in each theme there exist many specific examples that might be compared.  For example Picasso’s Guernica might be compared to the medieval frescoes in the palace of Berenger de Aguilar, which also depict a conflict.  There are other themes that you might have an interest in, such as technology; some of you have spoken about astrolabes in the museums we’ve visited, and perhaps these might be compared to technologies of warfare introduced during the Spanish Civil War.  
In this essay, we ask you to choose a topic that interests you and compare and contrast it between the medieval and modern periods.  ( my topic is  Islamic technology and civil tactics being used compared to the civil war)
Make an argument in your essay that clearly articulates one strong point of comparison about this topic across these two time periods.  Your essay should include the following:
with a strong thesis (argument) and
explanation of how you will make (organize) your argument, summarizing your claims (steps in making your argument)
Body paragraphs:
Well organized with topic sentences announcing your claims, 
followed by specific evidence taken from your sources (see below).  
Inclusion of specific evidence, well articulated through descriptive analysis.  This evidence must be of TWO types:
Secondary sources (ideas explained by scholars in articles or books)
Primary sources (texts and/or images/works of art from the periods you are discussing)
Sources must be both primary and secondary
Use at least 6 primary sources
Use at least 8 secondary sources
You must cite your sources throughout the essay and in a final list of sources (bibliography), using at the very least both Brann and Ramirez. (Feel free to use Chicago or MLA styles, but be sure to be consistent.)
Your essay should be 1750-2250 words, in 12 pt. font
these are some sources i got and it can be used but it can change
Southey, Robert, V. S. Pritchett, and René Ben Sussan. The Chronicle of the Cid. Heritage Press, 1958.
Thabet, Slim. “The Circuit in the History of Economic Thought: The Contribution of Ibn Khaldûn.” International Journal of Political Economy 52
Burgess, Glyn S., ed. The Song of Roland. Penguin Classics. Penguin Books, 1990. 
Hanning, Robert W. 2015. “Inescapable History: Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of the Kings of Britain and Arthurian Romances of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries.” In Romance and History: Imagining Time from the Medieval to the Early Modern Period, edited by Jon Whitman, 55–73. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature: 92. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Edwards, John. 2000. “The Spanish Inquisition: A Historical Revision Kamen Henry.” The Journal of Modern History 72 (2): 549–50. 
García-Arenal, Mercedes. 2004. “The Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain María Rosa Menocal.” Speculum 79 (3): 801–4. 
Fletcher, R. A. 1990. The Quest for El Cid. Knopf.
Glick, Thomas F. 1977. “Islam under the Crusaders: Colonial Survival in the Thirteenth-Century Kingdom of Valencia Robert Ignatius Burns.” Speculum 52 (1): 128–30. doi:10.2307/2856903.
Howson, Gerald. 2006. “The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939/The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge.” History Today 56
Vidal, Clara Almagro. 2017. “Muslims of Medieval Latin Christendom, c. 1050–1614 Catlos Brian A.” Speculum 92 (4): 1171–72.
Gordon, Matthew S., and Mathew S. Gordon. 2011. “The Crusades and the Christian World of the East: Rough Tolerance, The Middle Ages Series Christopher MacEvitt.” International Journal of Middle East Studies 43 (1): 150–52.
Cohen, Mark R. 2018. “The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain Darío Fernández-Morera.”
Deegan, Heather. 2001. “North Africa in Transition: State, Society and Economic Transformation in the 1990s Yahia H. Zoubir.” Africa Today 48 (4): 156–58.


“The Life and Legacy of Prophet Muhammad SAW: A Review of Two Documentaries”

Please watch the following 2 documentaries about the life of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Once you view the documentaries, write a review with minimum of 1200 words that must include the two course films:
Islam Empire of Faith (Include all three parts of this documentary with focus on inventions and contributions of Muslims to the humanity)
The Message: The Story of Islam
Remember, all assignments should NOT include a title page, the first page of your essay should include the full title, course #, names of the College, Semester, Instructor, student and other related information.
Links for the documentaries: