Health Care and The Law

Title: “Solving Global Issues: A Strategic Plan for the Newly Appointed Leader of the World”

Q1: Congrats! …….. You have been appointed Leader Of the World. What are the first 3 problems that you intend to solve, and how do you solve them?
Q2: As newly appointed leader of the world, what is the first thing you do for yourself and why?
In addressing the above questions, I am expecting very thorough and well-thought answers. It is not enough to just simply say, “I will solve the world hunger crisis by providing food to those in need” — Instead… 
(1) Identify the problem and why you want to solve it – what is the problem? what makes it a problem? what affect/effect does this problem have on the specific population (if applicable) etc….
(2) identify evidence-based solutions and explain how you will implement these possible solution(s) ….. make sure you identify if there are any secondary effects to implementing these solutions. i.e.,  cost? implementation issues? underlying issues? etc…. if you are intending on providing solutions that have a cost … how will you fund them?