
Title: “Revolutionizing Healthcare: An Informative Briefing on Electronic Health Record (EHR) Software”

TOPIC IS : The topic I choose is new EHR software for the medical field. When preparing a briefing on new Electronic Health Record (EHR) software for the medical field, you could consider the following topics:
Overview of the new EHR software: This could include its features, benefits, and how it differs from the previous system.
Implementation process: Discuss the steps involved in transitioning from the old system to the new one.
Training for staff: Explain how staff will be trained to use the new software.
Data migration: Discuss how patient data will be transferred from the old system to the new one.
Security features: Highlight the security measures in place to protect patient data.
Compliance with regulations: Discuss how the new software complies with healthcare regulations such as HIPAA. 
To prepare for the briefing, you might use the following resources:
Software documentation: This will provide detailed information about the software’s features and how to use it.
Training materials: If the software provider offers training materials, these can be a valuable resource.
Software provider’s customer service: They can answer specific questions and provide additional information.
Industry publications: Articles and reports about EHR software can provide additional context and insights.
Regulatory guidelines: Reviewing these can help ensure that the software complies with all relevant regulations.
My attention getter for topic 
Imagine a world where your entire health history, from your childhood vaccinations to your most recent doctor’s visit, is just a click away. A world where your doctor can access your medical records in real-time, no matter where you are. This is not a distant future, but a reality made possible by Electronic Health Records (EHR).
My clincher for topic 
In the era of digital transformation, we are not just patients but also data points. As we step into the future, let’s remember that EHR is not just about technology, but about improving patient care and saving lives. So, the next time you visit your doctor, remember, it’s not just a check-up, it’s a step towards a healthier, more informed future.
For this assignment, you will prepare a speech called an Informative Briefing (3 to 4 minutes) on a topic that you are currently working on or are familiar with. Remember to keep it informative: Just tell us the who, what, where, when, why, and how of your topic. Do not try to convince us to do anything about your topic. If you do not have a topic that is appropriate to share, you can pick any current events topic for your briefing. 
You will need to incorporate 2 outside sources that support your speech and incorporate those as oral footnotes (sources stated during the speech that support what you are saying). You actually hear these on news broadcasts all the time (“As reported by ABC123 News…” or “As Dr. XYZ from NIH explained…”) – by incorporating them into your briefing you give yourself added credibility for the briefing you are presenting.
Oral footnotes: These are citations you cite DURING THE SPEECH which give you credibility as a speaker. You should include 2 of them for this speech. You will need to use college-appropriate sources for this speech – Wikipedia, the encyclopedia and the dictionary are NOT considered scholarly sources. Personal testimony/experience is also not an academic source. You also want to make sure you use current sources – anything over 5 years old probably isn’t current, unless you are using it as a historical reference.
Complete a formatted outline and reference page in Assignments. A sample outline/reference page is also attached for you.