Healthcare management

Title: “Navigating the Changing Landscape of Healthcare: Trends, Challenges, and Implications for Healthcare Management”

Conduct your own investigation into current trends in healthcare using any materials/resources. Discuss what you think are some of the impending changes, trends, strengths, or threats to the U.S. healthcare system. Provide a clear and concise description of these. Next, what do you think will be the implications of what you’ve discussed in healthcare management? Will healthcare managers need to change their knowledge, skills, and abilities? What competencies do you think healthcare managers will need to have in order to adapt to what you’ve described?

Healthcare management

“Maximizing Personal Leadership Potential: An Outline”

I have to make an outline
A1: Reflection on Clifton strength (my strength are: developer, postivity, relator, signifiance,      and harmony)
B1: Personal Ledership Strength (Situational Leadership is leadership theory I picked.) 
-Good listener
-Great communicator
– Organize
B2: Personal Leadership weakness (what can I do to do better)
-meeting deadlines
-public speaking
B3: Recommendations for personal leadership
-Approve theory
-Approve weakness
C: Smart Goals
-Get my certification in Medical Coding and Billing by March 2025
-Get my master in MBA by June 2025
C1: Specific actions
-Attend class 3-4 times a week
-Set deadlines for assignments due date