Contemporary Humanities

“Exploring the Similarities of Vision: Van Gogh’s Starry Night and the Works of Stella and Balla”

Write an essay in which you discuss the similarities and the common characteristics of Van Gogh’s Starry Night with at least one of the following works:
• Stella, The Voice of the City of New York Interpreted: Brooklyn Bridge
• Balla, Speeding Automobile
In other words, can we legitimately claim that Van Gogh’s vision is very similar to the visions of theworld conveyed by Stella and/or Balla?
(1.) The paper should be double-spaced.
(2.) Use a traditional serif font of standard size, such as Times New Roman 11-point or 12-point.
(3.) Use standard margins, both top and bottom and left and right. Most word-processing programs use 1” or 1.25” margins as the default setting, and that is fine.
(4.) Indent the first line of each new paragraph no more than ten spaces.
(5.) Do not place extra lines between paragraphs.
(6.) Do not use decorative graphics or illustrations.
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