Chemical dependency

“Exploring Community Resources for Substance Abuse Recovery: A Reflection on Two Self-Help Meetings”

Attend two (2) self-help meetings. You must attend meetings that are focused on recovery from substances. This means either AA, NA, or Celebrate Recovery. This paper will be a minimum of 4 pages in APA format. You must include a cover page, abstract and references, WHICH DO NOT COUNT TOWARD THE FOUR PAGES OF CONTENT. Your submission will thus be a total of 7 pages. Summarize what you learned at each meeting, describe your personal reactions honestly, consider whether you will send clients to these resources and state why or why not.
I want to write about learning of community resources in the area of Ontario and Monroe county. The untreated mental health that is coupled with drug addiction dual diagnosis and the lack of facilities to assist in supporting recover. The local NP is Flacra but it has a high turn over rate and recidivism.I heard people that are struggling to become sober some are sober for years. People who struggled though isolation of covid who turned to alcohol but also a great support of one another elaborate on this
I attended 2 groups virtual

Chemical dependency

“Navigating the Transition: Strategies for a Smooth Transition to a New Phase of Life” Introduction: Transitions are a natural part of life, whether it be transitioning from one grade to the next, changing jobs, or moving to a new city.

20 sides with transitions  and graphics and credible sources APA Format and needs to be saved as file format

Chemical dependency

“Addressing the Opioid Crisis: A Call to Action” Writing Style: Persuasive The opioid crisis has become a devastating epidemic, ravaging communities across the nation and claiming countless lives. In recent years, the issue has gained widespread

See attached 
you may use a article from your local newspaper
please give it a title
and following writing style instructions